Low-Carb Queen - RIP: 1963-2021
You got some great advice. A hunting license would save you the time and trouble of raising meat yourself. I recently ventured in to the realm of purchasing meat on the hoof. Waiting for delivery on half a pig right now 
Coturnix Quail are easy and don't take up a lot of space but you do have to keep them separated from you other poultry. There are diseases ducks and chickens are immune to that will kill off your quail. If you give them a natural setting and raise them on the ground instead of in cages you might even get them to brood. I have a momma with 3 chicks right now.
Rabbits are doable, but I have issues with rabbits. Grandma raised them. My brother is missing the tip of a finger because of an ill-tempered buck, and I have a scar on my belly from another rabbit. They aint all fluff and cute! LOL
Mini-cattle might be an option depending on your space. Irish Dexters are a dual purpose breed (meat/milk).
As for fish...I have looked a little in to that. Hard to find descent information. I thought about perch, but they are pretty much carnivorous. I would have had to get in to raising insects to give them a food source. I know people raise tilapia, but it isn't my favorite fish. I am going to keep researching that topic.
Coturnix Quail are easy and don't take up a lot of space but you do have to keep them separated from you other poultry. There are diseases ducks and chickens are immune to that will kill off your quail. If you give them a natural setting and raise them on the ground instead of in cages you might even get them to brood. I have a momma with 3 chicks right now.
Rabbits are doable, but I have issues with rabbits. Grandma raised them. My brother is missing the tip of a finger because of an ill-tempered buck, and I have a scar on my belly from another rabbit. They aint all fluff and cute! LOL
Mini-cattle might be an option depending on your space. Irish Dexters are a dual purpose breed (meat/milk).
As for fish...I have looked a little in to that. Hard to find descent information. I thought about perch, but they are pretty much carnivorous. I would have had to get in to raising insects to give them a food source. I know people raise tilapia, but it isn't my favorite fish. I am going to keep researching that topic.