Gina, those chickens are on craigslist. I did find a feed store in Encinitas that has 5-6 month old white leghorns. I may go get one of those. I just thought chickens looked little haggard!
I'm in agreement, although they could just be molting. Their combs are a little pale also. Too many nice looking chickens out there for sale to buy these little scruffy ones.
I don't have a lot of room to talk, I bought a few that looked way worse than those because the place was immaculate and he told me they were roo- ridden and so were missing feathers as a result.
I killed four of them because they were pooping blood and the other three still don't have feathers and are slated for the next culling. They are supposed to be Black Aussies but they lay snow white eggs....go figure! Never, never, never will I do that again!