Small hi-jack here; sorry.Britesea said:I've always bought a few more than I needed of the foods and non-foods that we use, but I never actually tried to have more than a half-dozen of anything on hand. Now that we are moving toward SS, I'm trying to work out how much I would need for 6 months or more (a lot of work!) We don't have enough money to just go to the store and buy 300 pounds of wheat at one time, but we bought 50 pounds. It will take a looong time to have a whole year's worth of food since we continue to eat from our stores. Once my garden starts yielding more than a few salads a week, maybe it will go faster. I just hope I can get up to speed before SHTF, if it's gonna
Right now I'm dehydrating a 25 pound sack of onions we got on sale....
I was gifted with some tobacco seeds earlier this year which I've planted. Neither of us smoke, but I figured I could turn some of it into insecticide, and the extra could be bartered
Britesea, you might want to check out Azure Standard (from near Portland) - - They have good prices on a lot of bulk items that you might be interested in, and, if they have a delivery point near you (and you order a certain minimum) delivery is free.