There are, I believe, quite a few posts on BYC about NAIS. My understanding is that in order to protect us from ourselves (and animal diseases) the gov't wants to track every animal. Right now that is just livestock and horses. Part of that process is recording the property where the livestock reside. The language of the documents related to NAIS lead some to believe that the gov't considers all property with livestock on it to not be technically "owned" by the person keeping the livestock. This comes down to legal semantics more than anything explicitly stated.
Signing up for NAIS (National Animal Id System) is "voluntary" right now, but some people seem to feel they have been signed up without their permission. In order to comply with NAIS, anyone who IS signed up would need to keep records of where their animals go off of their premises and when the animal is bought/sold. Therefore, hatcheries that are compliant with NAIS would probably be giving their records of shipping chicks to other properties to the gov't, which would thereby sign up the purchaser "involuntarily."
I hope you can make heads or tails of that, because it feels like I just spewed out a lot of information.