Epicurean Goddess
Sorry, Hiedi. Not an easy decision, I'm sure.
I'm not surprised that she hasn't laid an egg in a while. While losing feathers or molting, the hen puts the bulk of her energy into feather growth, leaving little for egg production.
I'm not surprised that she hasn't laid an egg in a while. While losing feathers or molting, the hen puts the bulk of her energy into feather growth, leaving little for egg production.
Hens stop laying eggs for a variety of reasons. External or internal stimuli affect hormone levels, which change the condition of the ovary and oviduct, the organs responsible for egg production. The result of these changes is the reduction or cessation of egg production. The most common stimuli that affect egg production are decreasing day length, disease, broodiness, poor nutrition, and stress. However, even under ideal conditions, every hens egg production eventually slows down and stops. from: Why Did My Chickens Stop Laying?; Pacific Northwest University 565; January 2003; J.C. Hermes