Always doing laundry
Okay, maybe this is why my husband accuses me of "Clampetting up the yard"
I got 6 chicks from TSC. They have outgrown their little coop and are ready to go on some grass but aren't big enough yet to run in the chicken lot with the others (hawks). So I looked around and took what I had and made a chicken tractor. 2 sawhorses side by side, roll of hardwire cloth around it ziptied together, and a leftover piece of lattice laid across the top to keep the chickens in and the hawks out. Nothing is attached permanently so it can be put away once they get big enough to go in with the rest of the flock.
Here are the chicks
And while I'm at it, tell me what you think. I was supposed to have 2 black australorps in the bunch but one is looking a little like something different. It has black feather with white lacing all over its chest and top of its legs. Here's a close up.....what do you think?
I got 6 chicks from TSC. They have outgrown their little coop and are ready to go on some grass but aren't big enough yet to run in the chicken lot with the others (hawks). So I looked around and took what I had and made a chicken tractor. 2 sawhorses side by side, roll of hardwire cloth around it ziptied together, and a leftover piece of lattice laid across the top to keep the chickens in and the hawks out. Nothing is attached permanently so it can be put away once they get big enough to go in with the rest of the flock.
Here are the chicks
And while I'm at it, tell me what you think. I was supposed to have 2 black australorps in the bunch but one is looking a little like something different. It has black feather with white lacing all over its chest and top of its legs. Here's a close up.....what do you think?