Low-Carb Queen - RIP: 1963-2021
I had a khaki who laid every day through the winter. My runner lays every day. My buff started laying in February and will until late fall.Aren't ducks seasonal layers?
Runners and khaki's can be counted on to lay over 300 eggs per year. A buff, over 200.
My husband can't tell the difference. I think the duck eggs are richer.How do the 2 types of eggs taste in comparison? Could a person mistake the flavor of one for the other?
How do they overwinter? How cold hardy?

VERY. They have a hutch, but still insisted on being in the yard in the snow even during heavy storms

I feed mine game bird feed. They can eat chicken feed, but have a higher niacin requirement. You can add brewer's yeast to their portion of the feed.--Can they eat the same grain/nutrient mix as chickens?