Super Self-Sufficient
I've got an Orpington now named Lilly who will sit all afternoon in the laying box on eggs that are from other hens. I hate to tell her that they're never going to hatch... We have a young rooster just starting to strut his stuff. We weren't planning on having chicks this year, but I kinda feel sorry for Lilly. I usually leave an egg for her in the box overnight. Maybe I can get her some fake ones?
We're getting about 5 eggs a day from about 8 layers. We have three young ones not laying yet ( we think one is a rooster) and three old ladies well past their prime. They might still be contributing once in a while. We give a dozen a week away to a friend with cancer, and a dozen to an elderly neighbor, and a few slow days this week and we were out of eggs. Funny how quick you get used to getting your own eggs! I was outside the coop the other day waiting for a fresh egg for a recipe.
We're getting about 5 eggs a day from about 8 layers. We have three young ones not laying yet ( we think one is a rooster) and three old ladies well past their prime. They might still be contributing once in a while. We give a dozen a week away to a friend with cancer, and a dozen to an elderly neighbor, and a few slow days this week and we were out of eggs. Funny how quick you get used to getting your own eggs! I was outside the coop the other day waiting for a fresh egg for a recipe.