big brown horse
Hoof In Mouth
So the tantrums are working.
When you are firm now, later it will be so much easier, I promise! Imagine a 13-18 year old throwing tantrums!! They can destroy a lot more.
I understand how hard it can be Wildsky!
If you put your foot down and hand out some basic guidelines and consequences for a full week, you will have them whipped into shape.
Take if from me, after my divorce years ago I felt so much guilt that I let my (then) 4 year old run all over me. (And I let her sleep in bed with me again too.) One day my good friend pulled me aside and basically told me I wasn't doing her (my dd) any favors by letting her behave that way. It was a wake up call.
It took about a full week of me being "strict but loving mommy" to turn her into the angel she is today. It wasn't easy and I didn't sleep very good b/c of the constant interruptions by her all night. She still needs an adjustment or two, but they are pretty easy to deal with.
I understand how hard it can be Wildsky!

Take if from me, after my divorce years ago I felt so much guilt that I let my (then) 4 year old run all over me. (And I let her sleep in bed with me again too.) One day my good friend pulled me aside and basically told me I wasn't doing her (my dd) any favors by letting her behave that way. It was a wake up call.
It took about a full week of me being "strict but loving mommy" to turn her into the angel she is today. It wasn't easy and I didn't sleep very good b/c of the constant interruptions by her all night. She still needs an adjustment or two, but they are pretty easy to deal with.