Goat Whisperer
Oops, here I went and opened my big mouth! 
Yes Wifezilla, the Epic of Gilgamesh instantly comes to mind.. I love that story!
For centuries upon centuries religions have been controlled by money, greedy men with power, and so on. They have dictated and controlled so many people, and continue to do so.
When you meet your high power/s, I higher doubt they will be angry that you celebrated a holiday. Of all the things, it isn't THAT important.

Yes Wifezilla, the Epic of Gilgamesh instantly comes to mind.. I love that story!
For centuries upon centuries religions have been controlled by money, greedy men with power, and so on. They have dictated and controlled so many people, and continue to do so.
When you meet your high power/s, I higher doubt they will be angry that you celebrated a holiday. Of all the things, it isn't THAT important.