Super Self-Sufficient
I recently tried the half a lime and bowl of vinegar thing. Not only did it clean, the whole kitchen smelled good! 

I had the same problem before. put half a lemon inside. let it on for around 3 mins. Scrubbing it after will be a lot easier, plus it will eliminate any foul odour too.A few weeks ago DS sacrificed a packet of microwave popcorn in my almost brand new microwave oven. I sprayed it thoroughly inside with kitchen cleaner and scrubbed the oven to within an inch of it's life and I cleaned it quite a few times since, but it still smells when I cook something in there that makes steam. For example this evening I pre-cooked some potatoes in there before roasting them. When I opened the door I got hit with the smell of burnt popcorn.
Any ideas on what I can do to get that smell out for good?