Lovin' The Homestead
We finally have the goat babies gone, and now have our first Nubian doe. She's in with our Nigerian Dwarf x La Mancha buck (Buck #1) so will hopefully kid by the end of July. We already have Doe #2, a Nubian/Nigerian Dwarf cross, coming in the summer, and Buck #2, Nigerian Dwarf, coming in the early Fall. So ... we're thinking we'll need one more doe (Doe #3), then we'll close the herd, except to sell.
Here's my question. If we only have the 2 bucks and 3 does, all unrelated, could we close the herd and never need to buy another goat? Breed in a specific way to avoid gene problems?
Those of you who are good with genetics, help! Got a spreadsheet or chart, that shows who to breed to who? We plan to keep only one new doeling a year, and only 1 buckling every 2 years. THANKS!!!
Buck 1
Buck 2
Doe 1
Doe 2
Doe 3
Here's my question. If we only have the 2 bucks and 3 does, all unrelated, could we close the herd and never need to buy another goat? Breed in a specific way to avoid gene problems?
Those of you who are good with genetics, help! Got a spreadsheet or chart, that shows who to breed to who? We plan to keep only one new doeling a year, and only 1 buckling every 2 years. THANKS!!!
Buck 1
Buck 2
Doe 1
Doe 2
Doe 3