CNN Reports on Disclosure of UFOs in the USA


Almost Self-Reliant
Oct 7, 2008
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A critical element to being preapred is to be aware.
Times are changing and I think things are really going to be speeding up.
How do we prepare for changes? Primarily it must be done in the heart.

CNN has started to report on disclosure with the release of military documents regarding UFOs.

At CNN scroll down on this page. 3nd row down 4th video in is the most recent report on Wednesday. The report from Tuesday is found on the 14th row down last video in the row entitled "UFOs eyeing nuclear facilities"

These videos keep changing their location on the page and I assume will drop off after a period of time so you may have to search for them at a later date.

I have a friend who lived near a government nuclear facility in Montana. He says he saw a 1.5 mile long assisted with several smaller UFO's take out Tesla technology that he knew resided on the base. They used a weapon that appeared like a laser. So they are yet to tell us the whole story.

Amongsts inner circle of UFO revelation it has been known for a long time that UFOs monitor and protect the planet from ourselves regarding nuclear weapons. I have seen films of UFOs taking out nuclear test missles in the air (they had no war head)

We must moniter the Media now regarding this issue and be prepared to counter any falseness that they may report with truth as we may have it. I am concerned that this disclosure is framed around nuclear concerns. Although many of us already know that some UFO's have been involved in protecting the planet from our nuclear insanity the story needs to be revealed correctly and not spun into fear operations.

As a historical note here is an interesting video from retired state legislator Henry McElroy from New Hampshire revealing what he knows about aliens meeting with Esienhower. Post on youtube May 2010. My understanding is that these meeting did take place and it is the reason that we had huge technological advances shortly after that came from certian trades that Eisenhower agreed to with the Aliens.


Super Self-Sufficient
May 7, 2010
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A critical element to being preapred is to be aware.
Times are changing and I think things are really going to be speeding up.
How do we prepare for changes? Primarily it must be done in the heart.
ITA. However, "the times they are achangin'" here but not necessarily elsewhere in the cosmos. Just because CNN is finally admitting the fact that this has been going on for millenia is being reported we have to realize that the reason it was NOT reported has to do with the reaction people had to the radio program "War of the worlds" in 1939. The government lives in fear of civil panic at that unbelieveable proportion. They are probably wise to do so for many folks. The folks who are as MacKay says "aware" such trepidation is not really all that necessary (IMHO)

It would seem naive to think that we are alone in the entire cosmos. When one considers the distance to the closest star other than the sun, just that distance alone is enough to boggle the mind. If my memory from freshman college astronomy serves me right, Alpha Centauri is about 10 light years away. OK, so who wants to drive there without a box lunch?

My point is that if one considers the number of grains of sand on any beach, it should be like considering earth (Urantia) just one of those grains of sand, near to a much larger one (the sun)
It is interesting to make a few small observations.

1. Man began to fly a "heavier than air"object in 1904 (The Wright Brothers). Then in 1969 (the year I was in Viet Nam) ol' Buzz Aldrin stepped out of his little vehicle onto the moon. Did any one notice that after a few trips there, we QUIT going? Wonder why?
2. In 1949 (the year I was born) NOTHING happened in Roswell, NM because the Air Force said it was a Weather Balloon.

HOWEVER, since then the advent of the "computer and the Television and a plethora of technical advancements have been made.

Now, lets just make one supposition. Let's say that life (like our own) exists on ONLY one other planet in the Cosmos (just for arguement sake). Now we consider the issue of time. Since Time is a relative concept, we have to make some relationship from time on the earth (the periodicity of the path around the sun) to the concept of time on a planet at the very least 10 light years away (remember the distance to Alpha Centauri in the paragraph above?)

So, if we consider the issue of time from 1904 to 1969 (the time it took us how to figure out how to "break the surly bonds..." and reach the next heavenly body, we find that time to us is confined to the current concept i.e. 2010 which is the time since we believe the Carpenter of Nazareth was born. Of course, there is the Jewish Calendar.

The Jewish calendar starts with the day when Adam and Eve were created (the Sixth Day of Creation). ... the year 2010 corresponds to the years 5770-5771). So that gives us about 6000 years since Adam and Eve. (Look what we've done to this place since then)

NOW, we consider those same events, but consider them 10 light years (or more) away. Their time and ours could differ by thousands if not millions of years when their "Wright Brothers" discovered flght to when they stepped out on THEIR moon.
When we put this all into perspective, we get a completely different impression of how we interpret the issue of UFO. Frankly the term UFO is rather egotistical because obviously they fly not only in space but in our atmosphere. Both concepts are rather tricky from an aeronautical engineering perspective.

Then we take the issue of time. If the closest possible planet is 10 light years away, they would have to "fly for 10 years at the speed of light" in order to get here. Folks, that is a long time to be cooped up in a tube made of metal. (hello, claustraphobia anyone?)

To add to this is the idea of flying at the speed of light. Frankly, I get quite nauseated during a 6G turn in the F/A 18 or even something a bit slower. :barnie Imagine the physiologic effects on the body of going the speed of light. We're talking particle dissociation here I guess. (hence some folks skepticism regarding space travel)

While I am not attempting to give any sermon here, I am merely pointing out the physical laws of the Universe as we know them and still I am believing that the "UFO folks" are able to come here ad lib.

With that said, MacKay's statement at the top of this page certainly bears listening to as a very important concept.

We can buy all the beans and rice and seeds we want but do we REALLY have any control of our existance in the physical form or is it some other type of control? :he

Just remember the dinosaurs were here and are now all gone. Human beings have made numerous changes from the cave dwellers to the current form of Homo Sapiens we currently understand. To say that our "ancestors" co-mingled with "aliens" is probably an understatement since the "ancestors" on this planet were cave dwellers, among other forms of human. What we now have here are fairly homogenous forms of "human being" which when examined are remarkably comparable in form to most of the other mammals on this planet. (study the skeleton of human and compare it to chickens, cats, dogs, horses, etc) You will find significant similarities.

All that having been said, we can see that while we (human beings as WE know them) are here, there is that clear and distinct possibility that there are others just like us, somewhere else...just like it says in the book of Genesis..."in HIS image..." :hide (This is NOT a discussion of religion. Just an observation from one source of literature considered by many to be authoratative.)

Are we able to accept that information and deal with it or does it scare us out of our wits? For me, it is obvious that this all exists. For others it may well still be a mystery but then so is a Zippo lighter... :ep

Sorry this is so long, I just got to thinking about it all when I read MacKay's very good posting.
Best to all
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Almost Self-Reliant
Oct 7, 2008
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I think that zillions of people out there have not "believed" in UFOs and have fully discredited them and eliminated them from their thinking... this is a wake up call for them. So many people beleive only in state sactioned "realities" like so much in our agricultural and medical systems that many here know is hooey!

Increased sighting over the last 30 years and continuing to grow, plus our ability to communicate about those sightings is brining to the forefront of the consciousness of many this reality that surrounds us.

It is my opinion that before long there will be major revelations regarding these space beings and it will be through their endeavors not though our government controlled media outlets.

I think that they have been waiting for the United States to come to terms about the reality and to stop lying to their people. Now most of the the world is on board.

Frankly I do not feel that it my governments role to "protect" me or anyone else from truth regardless of the emotional release it may cause. We are capable of adjusting. and Maintianing denial has not been healthy for those who do make contact as it isolates them and marginalizes them and negates the realities that they have lived through which is not healthy for the psychology either. Their truth is a potential reality for us all and should be learned from not covered up.

I think that we quite going to the moon because they are hiding information about what was found there,,,, dito for Mars. If one is in denial about UFO's then how can one account for what these celestial bodies reveal... see the book by Richard Hoagland called "The Monuments of Mars - a city on the edge of forever"

if some folks disregard ufos based on science and the impossibility of space travel over 10 light years or so they are not updated on the new possibilities in science through quantum physics... nor are they very open minded to the possibility that "aliens" may know a hell of a lot more than we do and could even function phsiologically quite different from us with DNA that permits for things we have not even been able to dream of yet.


Super Self-Sufficient
May 7, 2010
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Mackay said:
Frankly I do not feel that it my governments role to "protect" me or anyone else from truth regardless of the emotional release it may cause. We are capable of adjusting. and Maintianing denial has not been healthy for those who do make contact as it isolates them and marginalizes them and negates the realities that they have lived through which is not healthy for the psychology either. Their truth is a potential reality for us all and should be learned from not covered up.

if some folks disregard ufos based on science and the impossibility of space travel over 10 light years or so they are not updated on the new possibilities in science through quantum physics.
Two things here that merit discussion.
First and most important...there are no NEW possibilities in science. They have always existed. We are becomming more aware of them but the truth is older than we are. It would seem obvious that folks capable of inter-stellar travel have perfected systems which permit such motion and have no ill effects. To date, we poor "earthlings" have not done so. That doesn't mean it doesn't exist, but means we haven't figured it out "YET".

Secondly, despite the abiliity of some small percentage of our world's population to comprehend the workings of nature and the universe, it is still painfully and inextricably true that most of the world does not have that same level of understanding and comprehension. I wish they did. Mankind would be a great deal more advanced technologically if that were the case. Go to any of the third world country's that don't have running water and try to explain the laws of thermodynamics to them...does "deer in the headlights stare mean anything?" Additionally, there is a movement on the earth called Islam which has made a habit of deterring and condemning scientific understanding and advancement. It is a growing and serious force with which to reckon and I doubt they share your view on this at all.

However, because most of humanity does not comprehend these "truths", there are some levels of information that defy the imagination of folks who can NOT explain something as simple as fire.

While there are many folks who have higher levels of education, including much of it in the sciences, it would be my guess that the majority of the world is NOT educated to that same level and are therefore unable to accept and digest information that exceeds their level of comprehension. Doing so by anyone, well meaning or not generally causes great consternation and has (as we have seen in 1939) caused mass hysteria leading to significant death and general unrest. The government of the United States is NOT operating for the sole purpose of offending folks who have specific beliefs. There is NO conspiracy to LIE to the American people. Sharing of incomprehensible information is often painful for folks. How do most people respond with the news of sudden and unexpected death of a child? It is the same reaction with any information for which they are not prepared to absorb.

People in the world don't readily accept certain levels of information as easily as some few, well educated others. Others simply consider those who disseminate such information as the equivalent of a "witch" and then become violent against the source of the information.

"NOT everything that counts can be counted. Not everything that can be counted, counts." (A. Einstein)

That having been said, it is un-wise for any government (regardless of their intent or level of knowledge/comprehension) to dump shocking or difficult types or amounts of information into the population that the population may not be able to deal with from an emotional and/or philosophical perspective because it might drive them, for lack of a better term, stark-raving mad. There is precedent for this as mentioned before.

Such is not good policy for any governmental body. Civil un-rest for any reason is undesirable. The United States is NO exception. Remember the movie "The Day the Earth Stood Still"? Movie makers have often dealt with these subjects because the general population is unable to accept things that defy their current level of knowledge.

It is unfair to assume that every individual who works in our, or any government is in some way accessory or part and parcel involved in some great conspiracy against their own people. We'd still be British subjects if that were true or worse, slaves to the Nazi's or Japanese. Be grateful that young people in this country have given their lives to preserve your right to think and debate such things without fear of reprisal. Freedom isn't Free.

Most folks, regardless of their educational level can NOT tolerate much of what is said right here. You can say it here because you believe it. They may NOT believe it or they may be told NOT to believe it by someone. They either ignore it or may be told by their pastor or religious leader that it is heresy or some work of the devil. (Heresy is a controversial or novel change to a system of beliefs, especially a religion, that conflicts with established dogma) which is different from apostasy)

If they COULD accept it, they would not be willing to reject so much of what is true simply because someone they hold in authority told them it was NOT true. People tend to believe other people they think are 'better educated" and possibly "know the truth" such as preachers, teachers, lawyers, doctors, nurses, etc. Were that not the case, we'd have no system of education.

As was mentioned before so eloquently,
How do we prepare for changes? Primarily it must be done in the heart.
This remains the primary approach that will help us all get through the coming changes and continue to live our natural lives in peace and prosperity.

Blue Skys

Lovin' The Homestead
Jan 1, 2009
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I've seen a ufo, it was quite strange and I didn't even realize what it was until a couple of months later. I know they are out their, but what scares me is the unknown. The unknown of their capabilities, the unknown of their intentions. So the op is right that the only way I can prepare is to change my outlook and just accept it. I'm enjoying y'all discussion though :) It is important to educate ourselves.

This reminds me of news I heard a while back, I'm not even sure when, but while ago, that there was an retired astronaut that was going to release stories about what they had seen during their time on the moon and in space - I don't know where I saw it, or who said it so it's not really pertanent information, but maybe someone else heard it too.


Almost Self-Reliant
May 12, 2009
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North Central Miss'ippy
Many members of the Air Force & NASA have reported sitings.
Truck drivers in the western US have held for a long time that there are "things" flying out there.
They can't all be on drugs.

What about the links to the Sumerian language?
How could a primitive tribe like the Dogons know so much about Sirius, Jupiter & Saturn without outside intervention or education?

I don't know. I know something is out there, something I don't understand. I can't worry about it.

But I do find it fascinating :pop


Super Self-Sufficient
May 7, 2010
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noobiechickenlady said:
Truck drivers in the western US have held for a long time that there are "things" flying out there. They can't all be on drugs.

What about the links to the Sumerian language?
How could a primitive tribe like the Dogons know so much about Sirius, Jupiter & Saturn without outside intervention or education?

Quite so. To think we are alone in the cosmos is to come from a weak perspective.

So, let's play a game. Let's suppose an interstellar travel ship containing 13 families of human beings from an un-named location landed on a planet with life forms with life requirements similar to that of these 13 families of human beings in an area like Ethiopia. Now we see the ship take off, leaving these 13 families behind to fend for themselves.

Since none of the members of these families know much about where they are, they must survive using only what skills they learned before coming here and what materials were left for them to use in the pursuit of survival.

What do you suppose would be the results of such an event?
What would happen to these 13 families? Who (if anyone) would they encounter? How would they get along? Kind of like the story of the pilgrims landing on Plymouth rock if you think about it.

Personally, this is one of my favorite story games to play with friends who think like I do. We come up with all kinds of interesting scenario's.

The one thing that perplexes us all is the fact that in each we imagine that the 13 families "live happily ever after on the new planet. Each has new children to mix the families up enough genetically so as not to become in-bred and everything is fine. But we know that doesn't work because the things they know and they brought with them are somehow lost and become hidden in the mythology of that planet. What then?

Now you have the makings of a great game. Play it with your children and see if you can re-write the history of the planet Urantia.
Have a nice day.
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Lovin' The Homestead
Jul 3, 2010
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Zebulon, NC
I've never seen a UFO, nor do I ever want to. Even watching them on TV creeps me out. (kinda like tornados; TV is the closest I wanna get)

I do have recurring dreams about aliens invading the earth - scary nightmares where I realize the stars in the sky are actually spaceships - wonder what that means...??

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