Coffee's Ready, Come and Sit on the Porch


Sustainability Master
Jul 16, 2017
Reaction score
Zone 6B or 7 can't decide
It's a start, still have a lot more to buck and split.

Jesus is Lord and Christ 🙏❤️🇺🇸


Super Self-Sufficient
Mar 12, 2017
Reaction score
Shenandoah Valley, Va
She's working on it, she has her ways with the animals around here. I just would like something that's a non-human sound so if we are away for a while and someone else has to care for them for a bit. I know you all understand what I'm after.

Jesus is Lord and Christ 🙏❤️🇺🇸
Smart thoughts for if someone else has to take care of them. Call and use the bell together and then they will associate the feed with either....


Almost Self-Reliant
Oct 14, 2021
Reaction score
USDA growing zone 4a/4b
extra prayers needed today-we don't do social media in our house (FB, Tik Tok, SnapChat, etc) but the safety threats out on Tik Tok this week have caused more stress and anxiety than "our" kids need right now. I have been comforting my child, 15, throughout the day from my home while she is in a place that is supposed to be safe but doesn't feel it with 3 police officers patrolling the halls today and kids on edge. She had friends pulled from school because their parents are freaking out. She doesn't want to leave because she enjoys school so much but doesn't understand why people act the way they do. Heavy load for the kids of today.

The Porch

Super Self-Sufficient
Jun 6, 2021
Reaction score
Kitsap County
extra prayers needed today-we don't do social media in our house (FB, Tik Tok, SnapChat, etc) but the safety threats out on Tik Tok this week have caused more stress and anxiety than "our" kids need right now. I have been comforting my child, 15, throughout the day from my home while she is in a place that is supposed to be safe but doesn't feel it with 3 police officers patrolling the halls today and kids on edge. She had friends pulled from school because their parents are freaking out. She doesn't want to leave because she enjoys school so much but doesn't understand why people act the way they do. Heavy load for the kids of today.

Yes! absolutely praying for all the kids

Medicine Woman

Almost Self-Reliant
Nov 2, 2021
Reaction score
Grateful I grew up before technology took over the world. I come here to mess around and research but my youngest children are addicted and coming from a broken home means they can use whatever parent they currently with. I am so looking forward to just being done. My youngest is 14. Just a few more years.


Sustainability Master
Jul 16, 2017
Reaction score
Zone 6B or 7 can't decide
Grateful I grew up before technology took over the world. I come here to mess around and research but my youngest children are addicted and coming from a broken home means they can use whatever parent they currently with. I am so looking forward to just being done. My youngest is 14. Just a few more years.

I'm just the opposite...

I miss having childern to raise. After raising 7 of our own and another family of 4 sexually abused childern two brothers and two sisters through The Illinois Department of Childern and Family Services. We raised a total of 11 productive citizens. Are they perfect? Is anyone perfect? The answer ofcourse is No and No, but I love all of them just the same from the bottom of my heart and I always will.

We've been a empty nester going on 5 years now and it's still hard. I miss it all... the good, the bad, the beautiful, the ugly. There's still enough Love left in my heart and enough will power left in my mind, to raise several more. But I have to remind myself, I'm not invincible. Physically, my body is starting to catch up with the number of days, that only Almighty knows I have left here on earth.

With Almighty's help and guidance and I say this beyond a shadow of a doubt, because I know I couldn't have done it without Almighty. I've worked all my adult life, to love, to protect, to provide for, and to lead a large family. It was the biggest challenge of my life, but I would do it all over again in a heart beat. Simply put... Family, far outweigh anything else on this earth, besides for Almighty's Holy Spirit.

Listen to the message, it's a great message. Try and not be distracted by the controversies of the band.

It's Easy!

Jesus is Lord and Christ 🙏❤️ 🇺🇸
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Almost Self-Reliant
Mar 16, 2021
Reaction score
Kenai Peninsula
Happy Friday!

How important is it really that I feed my children at the same time every day? Do they really need all that structure?
It depends on when you are talking about...2 year olds and older... yes, I found a schedule a good thing.

However, a schedule with breastfeeding infants, especially at the start, is potentially problematic to actually dangerous.

Many mothers, if they try to nurse every 3 to 4 hours after birth, end up not producing enough breast milk.

Breastfeeding often is important. The earlier you start breastfeeding, and the more often you breastfeed the sooner your milk will come in, and the more milk you will produce.

The first 6 weeks are critical. After that things often (but not always) settle down, and it is easier to space feedings and not feel perpetually tied to breastfeeding.

However, at each growth spurt feedings often greatly increase in frequency so that milk production can in turn increase in quantity. Once the milk production has increased the feeding times usually calm down.

If the baby's latch is correct, even frequent breastfeeding is comfortable. Also, an excellent latch means that the baby can milk the breast more effectively, so also more quickly, and breastfeed for shorter periods.

An uncomfortable latch is often not as productive, and so the baby might need to nurse for longer to get the same amount of milk.

And yes, breastfeeding does take a large amount of time. Breastfeeding twins takes even longer. However, it is a very short period of time in the grand scheme of things and incredibly important.


Sustainability Master
Jul 16, 2017
Reaction score
Zone 6B or 7 can't decide
Neighbor told me they were 1/2 off or two for one, take your pick. I thought he was just joking around. I guess he wasn't.joking around 😳 I'm a newbie with this whole bovine business, still wet behind the ears persay. You are so helpful, you know you're rare, it's hard to find someone who will tell you like it is. if I ever get to meet you, I'm gonna give you a big bear hug.

I still have to go look at those 3 cross bred dexter's in kentucky for my wife. I told her I'm ok with a few mini cows, if that's what she has her heart set on.

Jesus is Lord and Christ 🙏❤️🇺🇸
Here I go again "Quoting Myself" 🙄.

My wife and I are going to go mess with mini cattle tomorrow, the dexter cross ones. The one she has her heart set on. The ones that I said Almighty would need to make happen because I said Uncle. My wife is so excited, I love her smile, me mah... But that doesn't count. I've said this before, Love can cause a man to do some amazing things. Other words... Happy Wife/Happy Life. I'm sure I'll say that many more times before my number is up here on earth. I like it, it's truth :)

So I pulled up the map for the farm where the dexter cross cattle are located and it's right outside Mayfield KY. You know the Mayfield KY the tornado hit last Friday evening. I knew the farm was in a area hit by the tornado, but right outside of Mayfield? Come on now... I don't believe in coincidences. I had planned on throwing my chainsaw in the back of farm truck and driving somewhere into ground zero and see if I could find someone to help. But it now looks like Almighty is setting up a twofer.

Lord willing, i should have some pictures to share tomorrow. I'm looking forward to waking up tomorrow morning 👍

Jesus is Lord and Christ 🙏❤️🇺🇸


Sustainability Master
Jul 16, 2017
Reaction score
Zone 6B or 7 can't decide
extra prayers needed today-we don't do social media in our house (FB, Tik Tok, SnapChat, etc) but the safety threats out on Tik Tok this week have caused more stress and anxiety than "our" kids need right now. I have been comforting my child, 15, throughout the day from my home while she is in a place that is supposed to be safe but doesn't feel it with 3 police officers patrolling the halls today and kids on edge. She had friends pulled from school because their parents are freaking out. She doesn't want to leave because she enjoys school so much but doesn't understand why people act the way they do. Heavy load for the kids of today.
Always praying for the next generation 👍