Cant sleep, mind is a racing
I understand that! Woke up before 3AM, gave up and got up at 4AM.Cant sleep, mind is a racing
Thanks, I got a couple hours. Just a lot going on in the world right now, some closer to home than I want it to be. So I worry about the kids, what is next and if we are prepared enough. Then I have to try and remember to breathe but by then it is too late and I am in checklist mode and down a rabbit holei get that way some nights too, especially if i have too much chocolate or caffiene. do you speak Nascar? (just joking). good morning! i hope you got some sleep?
I have been sleeping, but with weirdo dreams. Walking up feeling disoriented. Ugh
We have working CO monitors all over the house, all good. The declutter exercise is bringing up old old memories from way back in college even.check the ventilation for your house especially if you burn gas for heat.
As in mind decluttering exercise?We have working CO monitors all over the house, all good. The declutter exercise is bringing up old old memories from way back in college even.
The physical decluttering is spawning some mental declutteringAs in mind decluttering exercise?
Or real life decluttering of stuff?