Almost Self-Reliant
We are still raining! Rain, rain, rain.
If only i could send you some of mine!
If only i could send you some of mine!
That, folks, is serious self-control!!I BOUGHT NOTHING!!!!
Just had breakfast. Yeah, it's 11:30....brunch I guess. Outside for chores and farm stuff. Decision time ... Garden over. Should have gone to work but, needed here. I'll move the jobs...couldn't do much with my mood.
Some days are just a toss up!!!. Life happens.
That it does - and it definitely has a mind of its own!Life happens.
Of course a road like that means less traffic, and when you do have traffic, slower traffic!!!! So, an excellent road in my book!It rained again last night, power stayed on this time. It blinked a few times. The road to the farm will probably be slush. All that dry dust makes slick gooshy mud. I just let my diesel truck idle along. Narrow country road, got to pull over when someone is coming the other way. Some places there is nowhere to pull over, gotta keep a watch to find a spot to stop. That road is my only gripe, and I really don’t even gripe about it. I knew what I was getting when I bought the place. It’s been a long, long time since I lived on a road like this.