Sustainability Master
First cup of coffee at the farm. Woke up at 4 AM. Unpacked 4 boxes looking for a coffee mug. Found a plastic go cup. That’s enough unpacking! Plastic cup will do!
Same! Its like a tornado went through! Just close the door...Sewing is like that for me ... a separate area to LEAVE IT AS IS. Then you can start back almost like ya never left.
...He looked at me, the desk, and silently walked out. He never bothered the IT staff again about our creative messes.
TAPES!!when the mainframe would go down the president of the university would come and hover over people as they were getting the system reloaded. i told him that him standing there wasn't helping anyone at all - it wouldn't get done any faster. it took twelve hours to reload from tapes.
Yes!!!! Having kids and a dog have SUPER messed with my production capabilities.i've always been a horizontal organizer.