WOW< me too, up at 3am,Thankful to be alive, even though I couldn't sleep past 4 am. DD7 crawls into bed last at 2 and started moving and kicking at 4!
Good morning y'all. Awake at 2 AM. Getting tired of this crap, I'd like to sleep until 6 or 7. Just not happening.
Anyway, I left yesterday morning with a heavy loaded truck and trailer. Max speed 60 MPH. I happily let speed demons fly past me. No way I was going fast dragging that trailer with me. Nope!
Got there at noon, friend showed up to help, another friend showed up to change door locks for me. Son was gone to get another friend with tractor. They got back and I had the treat of watching 3 men with 2 tractors doing their best to move a 40' shipping container to not much avail. Classic entertainment. They pushed, pulled with chains, and moved it a little. As far as lifting it to block it up? Nope. Gonna take a bigger tractor. Like maybe a cab 100 horse power big tractor. So, we unloaded all those concrete blocks.
Friend Jesse got the door locks done and came out to help with blocks. Then we all stood/sat around chewing the fat--a southern euphemism for a lot of talking and blather. LOL My friend Steve that came to help with the shipping container failure turned out to know son's friend Keith from 1979 and they had a good time visiting and reminiscing about old times.
Yesterday, I got one room prepped and painted, still need to do trim, door and the closet.
Son's house is in worse shape than I thought, I certainly do pick challenges. What's going to be my bedroom (eventually) was at one time, a carport. There was a opening for a door way on the back wall. That opening is still there, with apiece of plywood leaned up against it with some kind of book case against the plywood to keep it from blowing over. The sunroom on the back leaks because it was improperly joined to the roof and needs to be torn down and totally redone. The laminate flooring was not put down right and is loose. It should survive me and the first set of renters after I move on, at which time, he can put down better flooring. Laminate imitation wood with fiberboard backing is crap anyway. I've made that mistake before. There is a stack of various building supplies in the living room floor, the whole place is a mess.
On a bright note, when I got home with truck and trailer, I backed the trailer up where I wanted it. I haven't backed up a trailer in over a quarter century and never was great at that anyway, but I did it! (Baymule stands up, takes bows to standing ovation)
I'm sitting here this morning in dismay at the piles of crap in this house. There will be a memorial for BJ here on Saturday. My plans of taking a load of big chunks, such as a freezer or two, a large walnut wardrobe, filing cabinet, couple of chairs, etc, have been dashed by the reality that the new to me house needs a major overhaul. So I must make room some other innovative way. I don't know at this time just what that is going to be, but I'm sure I'll think of something. Got to finish clearing and cleaning the porch too.![]()
YES!!! 7 years old--I have a 7 yr old and 15 yr oldWOW< me too, up at 3am,
I finally figured out -I think -DD& is daughter 7yr old not daughter #7
I must be in the same time warp as I could have sworn it was 1 pm when I just looked at the clock.Time has slowed down. My stomach is telling me it's hungry, but it's only 10:30 AM.
What's up with that?
Jesus is Lord and Christ![]()