Coffee's Ready, Come and Sit on the Porch


Almost Self-Reliant
Mar 16, 2021
Reaction score
Kenai Peninsula
I think WI has WA beat for nesting pairs of Bald Eagles. And Minnesota has about 8 times as many as WI. But I had NO IDEA Alaska has so many! :eek: wow, that's mind boggling! I posted a map of occupied nests in WI. I live right under a cluster of 3 dots representing occupied nests.

I live near enough river and lakes that they're a daily sight here. A few years ago we had several chickens killed by large birds of prey, and the Bald Eagles circled our coop frequently. Not a great feeling.

We have zero vultures up here in Alaska...

So the eagles are the carrion bird for us.


Sustainability Master
Jul 16, 2017
Reaction score
Zone 6B or 7 can't decide
I have a serious question...

Why is it I can't help but laugh (inside) when people show up here to the farm dressed in fancy clothes and expensive shoes? My wife and I wear rubber muck boots most all the time and we only put on nice clothes when we go out to dinner. Are they trying to impress me, with fancy dress? Because if they are, it has the exact opposite effect.

I mean seriously, we got animals all over the place, mostly wild free range ones and they poop where ever and when ever they want. Plus flocks of birds come through, that'll make you think it's cloudy when it's not. Yes I've got my head pooped on more than once, shoulders also, so has my wife. My mother in law said you got Poop on boots, I said yeah ok, so what?

I simply can't be responsible if you step in a pile of poo and ruin your $100.00 plus pair of kicks or if you sit in a chair outside and plant you're butt in bird poo, or if a bird flys over and poops in your fancy hairdo or spatters your expensive shirt, dress or blouse. I mean seriously who wears high-heels to a farm?

I'm seriously considering making a sign that's says

"All Visitors are Considered Working Visitors. DRESS ACCORDINGLY or go back home.

and plant it at the entrance.

Jesus is Lord and Christ 🙏❤️🇺🇸
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Almost Self-Reliant
Apr 2, 2021
Reaction score
I have a serious question...

Why is it I can't help but laugh (inside) when people show up here to the farm dressed in fancy clothes and expensive shoes? My wife and I wear rubber muck boots most all the time and we only put on nice clothes when we go out to dinner. Are they trying to impress me, with fancy dress? Because if they are, it has the exact opposite effect.

I mean seriously, we got animals all over the place, mostly wild free range ones and they poop where ever and when ever they want. Plus flocks of birds come through, that'll make you think it's cloudy when it's not. Yes I've got my head pooped on more than once, shoulders also, so has my wife. Poop on muck boots, yeah ok, so what?

I simply can't be responsible if you step in a pile of poo and ruin your $100.00 plus pair of kicks or if you sit in a chair outside and plant you're butt in bird poo, or if a bird flys over and poops in your fancy hairdo or spatters your expensive shirt, dress or blouse. I mean seriously who wears high-heels to a farm?

I'm seriously considering making a sign that's says

"All Visitors are Working Visitors. DRESS ACCORDINGLY or go back home.

and plant it at the entrance.

Jesus is Lord and Christ 🙏❤️🇺🇸
Pretty much!
I’m at a point if I want to wear something nice I have to half sneak off the property or something will notice! Last time, my neighbor’s mud covered dog decided to escape and get injured while they weren’t home so I went to take care of him.
Some family doesn’t visit as often, others visit more though!


Sustainability Master
Jul 16, 2017
Reaction score
Zone 6B or 7 can't decide
Pretty much!
I’m at a point if I want to wear something nice I have to half sneak off the property or something will notice! Last time, my neighbor’s mud covered dog decided to escape and get injured while they weren’t home so I went to take care of him.
Some family doesn’t visit as often, others visit more though!
You get it!

My Wife has ducks, they free range during daylight hours. It's true they mostly stay in the pond but those crazy quackers make their rounds around the house and barn also. They poop A LOT whenever and where ever they want. I sure ain't following them around with a pooper scooper or something. I guess some people just have a poophobia (scared of poop). If you're scared, say you're scared.

Conserns me most in the summer months. We have snakes, lots of different kinds. A tennis shoe, flip flop or sandle ain't gonna do nothing for you. It's just the truth... I say this exact thing to people who come visit and they get scared 😳 Sorry I scared you but there ain't nothing I can do for you. Just watch your step and wear boots next time.

Jesus is Lord and Christ 🙏❤️🇺🇸
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Sustainability Master
Jul 22, 2011
Reaction score
Klamath County, OR
During the daytime, we don't usually have problems with the predators as Millie, our LGD, takes her job seriously guarding the chickens. She doesn't even want to be around when we butcher a chicken. Soon as she sees DH grabbing THAT knife and the axe, she goes and hides in the bedroom. I guess it's too traumatic for her. At dusk/twilight it's a different story though. Most of the chickens we've lost have been caught outside the coop by owls (usually because they decided they wanted to go broody somewhere else). Independence is NOT a survival trait for chickens, I guess.

We have a couple of friends with children (2 and 4yrs) who visit often. They understand about animals (and poop), but I worry about the boys because they are always barefoot. Our land used to be the de facto dump for people in town that didn't want to pay dump fees. We are always finding weird junk and GLASS SHARDS that get frost heaved onto the surface.


Almost Self-Reliant
Mar 16, 2021
Reaction score
Kenai Peninsula
During the daytime, we don't usually have problems with the predators as Millie, our LGD, takes her job seriously guarding the chickens. She doesn't even want to be around when we butcher a chicken. Soon as she sees DH grabbing THAT knife and the axe, she goes and hides in the bedroom. I guess it's too traumatic for her. At dusk/twilight it's a different story though. Most of the chickens we've lost have been caught outside the coop by owls (usually because they decided they wanted to go broody somewhere else). Independence is NOT a survival trait for chickens, I guess.

We have a couple of friends with children (2 and 4yrs) who visit often. They understand about animals (and poop), but I worry about the boys because they are always barefoot. Our land used to be the de facto dump for people in town that didn't want to pay dump fees. We are always finding weird junk and GLASS SHARDS that get frost heaved onto the surface.
As to the little boys... make sure their parents understand the risks.... then let them do whatever.


As a kid I was always coming home with an infected spot somewhere on one of my feet... puss and all the rest.

My parents never told me I had to stop going barefoot... they just cleaned it out.. made sure it didn't get bad.. and off I went.

My dad's mom went barefoot all summer every summer as a kid...

She said grass burs would get stuck in her feet... but she grew thick callous on the bottom of her feet... and had fun barefoot. And that was out on a ranch in the Texas hill country. So... spiky cactus, a bunch of snakes... and those burs of course... that would get stuck in her feet.

Actually... as little kids, if we left the yard we had to go with the ranch dog (excellent snake killer), or the cats (who were also good at snake killing). And yes... the cats would go walking with us, a little herd of cats about our feet, one in front and some to the sides, fanning out.

The dog of course was better .... and he knew his job was to keep us kids safe. The cats had to "be in the mood".


Almost Self-Reliant
Mar 16, 2021
Reaction score
Kenai Peninsula
I have a serious question...

Why is it I can't help but laugh (inside) when people show up here to the farm dressed in fancy clothes and expensive shoes? My wife and I wear rubber muck boots most all the time and we only put on nice clothes when we go out to dinner. Are they trying to impress me, with fancy dress? Because if they are, it has the exact opposite effect.

I mean seriously, we got animals all over the place, mostly wild free range ones and they poop where ever and when ever they want. Plus flocks of birds come through, that'll make you think it's cloudy when it's not. Yes I've got my head pooped on more than once, shoulders also, so has my wife. My mother in law said you got Poop on boots, I said yeah ok, so what?

I simply can't be responsible if you step in a pile of poo and ruin your $100.00 plus pair of kicks or if you sit in a chair outside and plant you're butt in bird poo, or if a bird flys over and poops in your fancy hairdo or spatters your expensive shirt, dress or blouse. I mean seriously who wears high-heels to a farm?

I'm seriously considering making a sign that's says

"All Visitors are Considered Working Visitors. DRESS ACCORDINGLY or go back home.

and plant it at the entrance.

Jesus is Lord and Christ 🙏❤️🇺🇸
We almost never have visitors.

A friend of my son brought some girl up here to ride a snow machine.... she, knowing she was coming to ride a snow machine, showed up half dressed.

Ya know, super ripped up super tight jeans, and no proper coat.... we took one look at her and asked if she wanted to borrow winter gear... she wisely said yes and we handed her snow pants, coat, etc.

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