Sustainability Master
I couldn’t get anything to cooperate, so putting my reply here.
I am taking the afternoon off. I’m tired and have a full week.
I am taking the afternoon off. I’m tired and have a full week.
Absolutely agree on evolution. Not only is there no proof that can point only to evolution there are problems that even have atheistic scientists wanting to question the hypothesis of evolution.AS I went back and read many of the posts by everyone and myself and talking with someone about my parents and my son God brought to my mind what is really important.
I know it is hard to know someone intimately in a relationship without some form of personal interaction. However, I have found this group that I feel as comfortable enough to both, spend more time here when I can and to blast my truths to people I barely know. But I do know most of you. I know and I love that I can speak freely about my faith regarless if any of you are interested, yet never rebuke me for it. CC is a great man of God and has live and always put his experiences to help others. Hinotori and Baymule are the sweetest people and so comapssionate over all. Motherearth is very intense in feelings. Flowerbug is direct and so helpful. Always ready to give all he has. And is my State neighbor,lol Tortoise is always ready to lay a hand with any advise. And there is more for sure that I may forget the names unless I go back into pages but I knwo so much about you all.
So, yes, You are my family. Not nearby but my family that is always here for anything I need. To give me advise, help me get solutions, guide me through rough moments and to lavish me in all the love that you give. Funny, because I am not a country person. I have lived most of my life in or near a big city. But I am learning what really matters. Late in life but I am on my way and I do have you all. So thank you so much. Thank you to each individual to be who you are supposed to be for your family and others. Sammster can tell that I do not go to the chicken group as much as I am here. Ii get up in teh morning and mainly am earger to see what everyone is up to and to post memes for everyone to get a smile, a chuckle or a little pee while laughing.
So, this is what I had in my mind all day yesterday and today when I opened teh group, someone said, thet you are my family. Is this a coincidence? Maybe. But I believe that things happen for a reason and nothing happens with out it. And that is why I believe in God and creation. Still until today nobody have been able to proof the theory of evolution as a fact, yet many believe and is thought as a fact. But those who have ever put any attention to science class knows how horrible, at least for me and I hated it as well, to have your teacher tell you to make a theory and prove it as fact. So, I am so thankful for you all.
So believe and engrave this into your hearts: I pray for each and all of you and your families because you are part of my life now and even if it passes, prayers are in heaven for you and yours.
Go ahead and write the essay, but don't interrupt a lecture!Absolutely agree on evolution. Not only is there no proof that can point only to evolution there are problems that even have atheistic scientists wanting to question the hypothesis of evolution.
Such as the lack of transitionary fossils and chitin in bugs and algae.
It’s good to see someone else standing in that!
This week in fact my beliefs are going to come up in a science class. I have a small essay due in a biology class, and I’m nervous about it. There’s really no way around being outed as a young earth creationist. I’m not ashamed, but I’m nervous to stand in something so against the culture.
It’s really good to see someone else share this belief! God bless, I know He has blessed me by letting me see your post at just the right time.
I would NOT disrespect the classroom, nor the teacher, like that.Go ahead and write the essay, but don't interrupt a lecture!I was in a Bio class where a student did that. The professor was polite - it was not the first time!! but the rest of the class was beyond annoyed with that student. Awkward!
It's not hard to deal with this issue in a Bio class. Just think of it as learning what you don't agree with. Any good argument must address counter arguments - and if you avoid learning about evolution you'll never be able to make a decent argument for your case.
I'm saying this as a Pagan who grew up in an extremely conservative Lutheran cult (parochial school, even!). By the end of my first real Bio class I settled on "God created a world capable of evolving." and sat there for a few decades. Now my worldview is "I wasn't there, never will know exactly what happened, no need to waste energy thinking about it."
Youngest daughter and I made a stop before the late lunch. Had a great morning/afternoonMeeting my daughters and my ex FIL for lunch today
NICE! Glad ya'll had a great time!Youngest daughter and I made a stop before the late lunch. Had a great morning/afternoon
My siblings and I all have complex PTSD from it. The church is not so different from any others. My siblings and I, collectively, have tried non-denominational, pentacostal, elca, baptist, catholic, judaism... same story in every church/denomination. We have learned that ugly things happen in any religious group that claims to know the "one" "right" way/god/path. While other religions which do not make this claim, like unitarian, buddhism or wiccan, don't have the same vitriol.And I’m sorry, it sounds like the “church” hurt you.