Wild Hare
Few more days of cold here. Unbelievable that the forecast for next Tues-Wed is 40! In January!!
Iam sorry he was that way,, He will get over it,, I am sure he knows this is just how it is with the job he has this time of year, We all have had 16+hour work days, I pulled a 24hour one once when 3 of the night crew were sick and I threw grocery load all night.Cold... 24 up to 29... light misty fine snow since before daylight... probably got 2 inches out there now, but it was coming down a little harder so might wind up with 4 ??? Still no wind, thank you VERY MUCH....
Vet check done, couple of opens that were expected, couple of open heifers that were not expected and DS is p.o.ed... like it was my fault. Sometimes his attitude is a bit much. He had to leave work to come help, and then left and vet and I finished up... could have been worse... most are preg 5-7 months so due in Mar-May which is good. He had been at work since 4 a.m. due to being the supervisor in charge there at VDOT... snow had started and then they had the contractor crews coming in at noon due to the cold temps and the roads freezing. The only "boss above him" is off due to having a pacemaker put in... so DS is pulling 12 and 16 hour days in this crappy weather. There will be crews out all night. He will go home and get some sleep and then go back in for another 10-12 hr day tomorrow I guess.
I got the one group of cows moved across the driveway back into the field... and the other cows moved back into the front lot since he was not going to be able to move them back to the other pasture... he was supposed to be off work for MLK day but "weather" controls VDOT road workers this time of year.
Oh well, it is winter....
haha when ever I hear the word lineman I hum the Glen Campbell songVDOT+ bad weather = LINEMEN + bad weather.
As consumers, we should appreciate them more!
My FH did brining on Sunday seeing how the company he works for assists VDot during the winter "snow season", didn't get home till late Sunday then had to be back in yesterday in plow truck in order to salt the roads and he's still out there too!"weather" controls VDOT road workers this time of year.
Open is a hefier or cow that didn't get or is not pregnant.Iam sorry he was that way,, He will get over it,, I am sure he knows this is just how it is with the job he has this time of year, We all have had 16+hour work days, I pulled a 24hour one once when 3 of the night crew were sick and I threw grocery load all night.
We moms forgive fast dont we, but here are times -after they are cooled down and like 3 weeks later- I have pulled one of mine aside and had a "conversation" about I realize_____blablabla, but when you do _____ blablabla you crush my heart, and more mom blablabla
I hope all the cows do well and meat on the hoof is a blessing, Iam not sure what open means but I hope it is a good thing.