Coffee's Ready, Come and Sit on the Porch


Sustainability Master
Jul 16, 2017
Reaction score
Zone 6B or 7 can't decide
I kind of kept an eye on the crazy quacken today since it's the first time I let them out since the guineas showed up. They intermingled just fine, guineas followed the ducks around and the ducks followed the guineas around. The guineas would not go in the turkey yard when the ducks stormed in for supper though. Instead the flew up on the roof of the lean-to. That's where they have been staying overnight.

If I had to guess... Someone probably decided they didn't want them anymore for whatever reason and let them loose by a the road. They found our place and decided to call it home. It's ok they can stay, as long as they don't go causing any problems .They seem to be low maintenance. But I really don't know anything about raising them. So I'm just gonna continue to let them be free and do their guinea thing. I enjoy watching them.

Jesus is Lord and Christ 🙏❤️🇺🇸


Almost Self-Reliant
Jul 5, 2018
Reaction score
NE Oklahoma
They found our place and decided to call it home. It's ok they can stay, as long as they don't go causing any problems .They seem to be low maintenance. But I really don't know anything about raising them.
ah just throw out some scratch on the ground. Really that's all it takes. Really. They are very independent.

If your neighbors didn't claim them though I'd try to coax them into the coop. No They will NOT breed your chickens if turned out to free range. That's a freak anomaly when penned together with out another of there own sex. You'll never see it happen. The post about it had pics from science experiments with A.I. Also it is strongly suggested to only free range a guinea.
The only reason I'd put them in a coop is to protect them from predators. Although the last time I did take a water hose to my guineas and chickens to them out of the trees and into the coop, I had something break into that coop. It was a slaughter.:hit😢

Country homesteader

Super Self-Sufficient
May 10, 2017
Reaction score
Zone 7A (Crewe, Virginia)
I may be near you again @CrealCritter next Fri. Will be going across MO 60, KY I-24 headed to VA. Only problem is I know me and I always leave late. Part of why I'm going to try to leave Fri instead of Sat.
What part of Va you headed to? I live in VA in a small town called Crewe which is about 1 1/2 hours from Richmond

The Porch

Super Self-Sufficient
Jun 6, 2021
Reaction score
Kitsap County
Every year it's the same issue. My feet sweat that's all ok except when working outside in the cold. When my feet sweat my socks get wet, when my socks get wet and it's cold my feet get cold. When my feet get cold, my toes get painful because I got frost bitten toes when I was kid. The only thing that helps is foot warmers but they cause my feet to sweat more. How does one reduce the sweat coming off feet?

Maybe I should just change my profile name to Stinkfoot 😂


Jesus is Lord and Christ 🙏❤️🇺🇸
I have the same issue, when I am working haed they really get wet. I #1 make sure I am drinking lots of water #2 change my socks when my feet are wet


Mr. Sensitive
Dec 22, 2010
Reaction score
This has been an interesting day. If the prevailing winds were about 15 degrees in direction to the south we would be getting western New York's multiple feet snowfall. Despite that, we have 6-9 inches predicted overnight. We got blasted yesterday unexpected, so I took the opportunity on a sunny day to get shopping done for the week.

Shopping was an adventure. Got in line behind an older gentleman who was really flustered trying to check out. The cashier was awesome and we had him laughing and smiling at the end. Lady behind me was being a grumpy butt, but my lighthearted banter put her on notice I would not tolerate any complaints.

On the way home (four lane divided highway), an SUV ahead of me lost control, went off the road, and rolled several times, ending up on the roof. Single vehicle involved. I was one of 10 cars stopping to help. I watched for oncoming traffic while 3 guys pulled the driver out (only person). Luckily, he was walking and talking fine when I left. People were still stopping to help when I left.

Finally, made one more stop and found a cellphone in the parking lot. Turned it in at the customer service desk. Was checking out, when the phone owner came in frantic. Cashier gave it to her and pointed me out for turning it in. She was so happy.

Wife is all set for her comfort needs now as her procedure recovery is painful and stressful. Made pumpkin bread this morning.

Am happy and thankful I made a difference today