Coffee's Ready, Come and Sit on the Porch


Mr. Sensitive
Dec 22, 2010
Reaction score
Miserable night. Woke up about every 45 minutes coughing. Taking some meds today. Bailing on volunteer gig stuff today.

Hard freeze in the forecast for tonight
Going to go to urgent care this morning when they open. Paisley the Brave snuggled up with me all night and made biscuits on my side/back while I was having a coughing fit


Sustainability Master
Nov 13, 2010
Reaction score
East Texas
I’ve been gone, left last Monday, got back Thursday night. I took a 4 month old ram with me, in the back of the truck with camper shell on it. Met a friend in Texarkana and wrestled him out of the back of my truck into a dog carrier in the backseat of her car.
He is a very nice ram and she is thrilled. He settled in nicely at her place when she got back home.



Then I continued on with my journey to friends who live about 50 miles south of Nashville.
It was a long day. I visited with them several days, and @farmerjan came down from Virginia. We all had a lot of fun and a great visit. Then time to load the 6 month old ram I went there to get and go home. We ran him through the chute, I had backed my truck up, we carried him to the truck and put him in. I left at 6:50 AM. Got home at 8:10 Pm. Trip home included an hour of sitting on I-40 due to a wreck up ahead. I backed into my front yard and let the ram out. Scared and traumatized, poor guy.

Next morning I put Rocky the new ram in with Ringo 2.0, a 5 month old ram I raised from my old ram, Ringo. I’m real excited to have Rocky and can’t wait to see what he produces.



Rocky and Ringo 2.0 snacking on grass hay and alfalfa.


I was tired when I got home! A 1500 mile round trip but so worth it to visit my friends again, this is the third ram I’ve bought from them, and I got to meet @farmerjan in person!

Now I gotta get fence put up so I can separate them with the ewes I want bred. This includes hiring a bulldozer to clean the fence rows. Oh, and a 3 sided shelter with a small feed room in the middle to keep them from fighting through the fence and tearing things up. Y’all wish me luck!