Mountain Sage
I have a cellar! As a matter of fact, we are cleaning it out today.....
Not one of my favorite chores but it feels good to get it ready for putting away all my canned goods. My cellar is okay but needs more insulation in the ceiling to be ideal for storage. Last year, I found the inside temp is too affected by outside temps to effectively store things like apples or potatoes. This year I am putting insulation between the ceiling beams and all the nooks and crannies that may compromise the temps. I would also like to haul some soil and bank it up further on the outside walls. That will have to come later, I expect.
I will be storing my sweet onions in a section of our attic that is well insulated but ventilated, so stays cool but not freezing in the winter. Dry up there also, as I cannot store onions in my moist cellar. Also will store pumpkins, gourds, etc. there.
For the most part, this is a nice cellar that was built back in the 30s, with a "cellar house" above it. It has very sturdy shelves and the bins are shallow and built into the shelving system, not right on the floor. The floor is dirt and gets a stream of water in heavy rains, so I put down a stack of shingles that I found in the outhouse. Now it still gets damp, but not muddy. I would like to put in some good sized gravel for this problem, eventually.
Love my cellar, though, as I can place watermelons that won't fit in the fridge out there to cool. My grandma's cellar was full to bursting and kind of creepy. I would eventually like to get some large crocks and put in some pickled corn like she always had.
When we were growing up I helped my folks build a cellar out of logs. That was a good cellar that lasted us a long while.

I will be storing my sweet onions in a section of our attic that is well insulated but ventilated, so stays cool but not freezing in the winter. Dry up there also, as I cannot store onions in my moist cellar. Also will store pumpkins, gourds, etc. there.
For the most part, this is a nice cellar that was built back in the 30s, with a "cellar house" above it. It has very sturdy shelves and the bins are shallow and built into the shelving system, not right on the floor. The floor is dirt and gets a stream of water in heavy rains, so I put down a stack of shingles that I found in the outhouse. Now it still gets damp, but not muddy. I would like to put in some good sized gravel for this problem, eventually.
Love my cellar, though, as I can place watermelons that won't fit in the fridge out there to cool. My grandma's cellar was full to bursting and kind of creepy. I would eventually like to get some large crocks and put in some pickled corn like she always had.
When we were growing up I helped my folks build a cellar out of logs. That was a good cellar that lasted us a long while.