Colowyo - grudgingly settling in :P


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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these things come by so quickly dont seems like only yesterday i started my packing and today im sat here waiting on a moving truck...

its such a whirlwind, bet your realy tired and exicted at this point lol.


Lovin' The Homestead
Sep 18, 2010
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Eastern Kansas
Five days until we leave!!

Yesterday I finished dismantling and disbursing the chicken coop, and destroyed and tossed the duck house. Still need to finish dismantling the duck run, but will save that for Saturday I think.
Finished taking care of the chicken in the crocks. Went to go put the next two in today and tossed them instead. I think I had them thawing for too long? They stank and the first one was all sorts of "sticky". I've never touched a chicken carcass that was sticky before :sick

So far today I've gone to the store and bought paper plates, plastic cups and plastic silverware. I don't like using these, but this way I can pack the rest of the dishes.
I took MIL's crock back over to her and said thank you.
I've packed several boxes of knicknacks and such. I looked on ebay just for giggles and I have a Buddy Lee doll that my Great Aunt gave me that is potentially worth upwards of $500! I've got several auctions on my watch list just to see how much they sell for, I think mine is actually in better shape then several of those!
SO packed a box of flags and old maps, also asked me not to touch several large framed art pieces as he wants to handle them himself. This way, if an accident happens he has only himself to blame. Nevermind the fact that I have 20 years of packing experience, and I'm trained as a packing specialist from working at FedEx :rolleyes: But, they are his art pieces so I will let him handle them.
Called the propane company and let them know that we no longer need their service. Called the truck company and verified that our truck rental reservation is still good.

To Do
Put away rest of laundry
Pack the remainder of items on bookcases
Wash rest of dishes and pack them


Lovin' The Homestead
Sep 18, 2010
Reaction score
Eastern Kansas
Dawn419 said:
colowyo0809 said:
So, for several weeks before we took care of all the chickens, we were getting no eggs, or at most one egg a day. It was kind of sad really. I knew they had dropped production because of the heat and all, but they had started to slowly pick up a bit as the weather got a little bit cooler. And then they dropped off again. And today we discovered why:

We had this stupid cardboard box on our back deck, partially covered by a tarp. Apparently the lovely hamburg duo were laying their eggs in this box for several weeks! :he :he :smack stupid birds.
So, it's not just my hamburg foursome that are trouble! Never had any trouble with our EE's laying only in the nest boxes UNTIL we added the hamburgs to the flock when we moved out here to AR from TN.

That's when every day became an easter egg hunt! :he Put them all in lock-down for a while, tried free ranging again and the hamburgs lead the "we'd rather roost elsewhere" revolt. :smack Yep, they're Dutch one-a-dayers if that includes being a pain in the bleep, at least once a day! :gig

Wishing you the best on your move! :hugs
Ours were too young to cause any problems that way, and besides we free ranged all day every day :D (and by all day i mean from the time we woke up until it was dark :D ) however, we got one hamburg last year when we first started with chickens and she died after several months. I got 15 this year in Feb for SO because he loves the breed and was heartbroken when the original died. When we finally got rid of the last of our birds to the neighbors (the hamburgs were a part of that group) there was only two survivors. Not sure what the problem is with the breed, or if it is because they came from hatcheries both times, but they sure weren't hardy hamburgs!


Low-Carb Queen - RIP: 1963-2021
Jan 3, 2009
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I wrote a nice long post describing how the ducks I kept from your flock are doing. It looks like I accidentally erased it. Sheesh!

Anyway, Connor is being a mostly good drake. He doesn't like one of my girls and chases her. Other than that the other girls think he is swell, he doesn't attack me, and he lets the girls eat treats while he watches over them.

Sinead is becoming my buddy. She goes NUTS when I bring peas and even eats out of my hand.

Colleen is a little more dignified and reserved, but she also will eat peas from my hand if I am not swarmed.

Moira....what can I say about little Moira? She is the runt, is afraid of her own shadow, and crazy even by duck standards. Good thing she is so darn cute! LOL


Lovin' The Homestead
Sep 18, 2010
Reaction score
Eastern Kansas
3 more days until we leave, 2 more until we pack the blessed truck and car. I have got more stuff packed, made our meals for the next couple of days so I can pack the remainder of the dishes, and had a bit of a meltdown. :/ I cannot honestly report every time SO blows up or gets stupid if I don't also report when I do the same, and today I did. Everything set me off, and then I had a bit of a meltdown late this afternoon. I threw boxes around, broke several hangers, and exchanged some rather angry texts with SO. Then, I took a nap for an hour and now I feel better. Got some more stuff done, all of our clothes that we are not either wearing at this moment or are wearing in the next five days or so are packed. We did some errand running this morning and SO bought me a new pair of jeans because the last new pair I bought I put a rather large hole in the groinal area within three days (stupid duck run). I just want this farking move to be over with. *sigh* And, the dogs spent most of the afternoon/evening hiding from me because I was throwing a temper tantrum! :hide :smack to me

When we exchanged the televisions today (we had the rather large one that the inlaws left here and MIL had my tv in her room) MIL said "I want to give you something for your trip". I couldn't understand what she was talking about, after all the yard isn't that big! And then I realized that she was talking about next week :rolleyes: . She hands me a $100 dollar bill! I said thank you, alot, and we left with the smaller tv. I plan on saving it to use for the move, or at least most of it, but I think I'm going to use part to buy the hot dogs and burgers for Monday for lunch for everyone who is helping us move.

ok, enough whining.

Wifezilla: Glad to hear the ducks are settling in (well, the ones that escaped freezer camp :) ). I would hate to think that I had given you bum ducks! Are the girls laying eggs at all? You'll have to take pictures after they all molt and get their new feathers in so I can see how they turn out :)


Mr. Sensitive
Dec 22, 2010
Reaction score
Dude, I was whining on my thread. You're melting down. :lol: A week from now this will be a distant memory. :)

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