Almost Self-Reliant
I have 3 small clumps of Comfrey. Planted it in the fall of 2009 and it hasn't spread much, if at all.
The guineas love picking at the leaves so I've put a bit of chicken wire around it to keep them from eating it to the ground on me. The chickens don't seem interested in it at all...they'd rather eat my regular and garlic chives.
I recently came across a recipe for Comfrey Ointment that I can't wait to try. I just need to find bees wax.
I also use the leaves in the compost pile and when I make weed tea fertilizer ( fill a 5 gallon bucket about 1/2 full of weeds, top off with water, cover with cloth "lid" to keep mosquitoes out and let it sit in the sun for a few days, until it goes to stinking. I usually use the tea without diluting it).
When I am finished with the liquid from the weed tea, I just add more weeds and comfrey to the old stuff and brew another bucket full. At the end of the season, I add the "tea leaves" to the compost pile or tumbler or just spread them on the garden and cover them with leaf mulch to compost right into the soil.
The guineas love picking at the leaves so I've put a bit of chicken wire around it to keep them from eating it to the ground on me. The chickens don't seem interested in it at all...they'd rather eat my regular and garlic chives.

I recently came across a recipe for Comfrey Ointment that I can't wait to try. I just need to find bees wax.
I also use the leaves in the compost pile and when I make weed tea fertilizer ( fill a 5 gallon bucket about 1/2 full of weeds, top off with water, cover with cloth "lid" to keep mosquitoes out and let it sit in the sun for a few days, until it goes to stinking. I usually use the tea without diluting it).
When I am finished with the liquid from the weed tea, I just add more weeds and comfrey to the old stuff and brew another bucket full. At the end of the season, I add the "tea leaves" to the compost pile or tumbler or just spread them on the garden and cover them with leaf mulch to compost right into the soil.