Crazy Cat Lady
I am NOT defending what all got us into this mess, just explaining it here --curly_kate said:From what I've read, the big lenders who we're bailing out sold them a bunch of the crappy home loans that they made by promising them that the housing market always goes up. How can ANYTHING always go up? Doesn't make a lick of sense....
The most frustrating thing to me, being an utterly practical, logic-ruled person is, who could EVER think that making loans to people with NO MONEY was a good idea????? It defies all logic!
it is all a matter of time scale. Making loans to people who may not be able to meet payments is a good idea *in the short term*, because you can make some quick bucks, whether you are a broker or real estate agent paid on commission, or a bank or other mortgage lender. It is only IN THE LONG RUN that it is a bad idea... and it didn't *have* to be, it's just that the same quirks of human nature that make people want to turn a short term profit also make other people get into mortgages they can't really carry through the vicissitudes of a changing economy.
Making a short-term profit and conveniently not thinking too awful much about the long term picture is unfortunately very strongly ingrained into much of our society. And we all do it to some extent.
And really, the housing market DOES always go up, on the long term (the only exceptions being properties bought during unreasonable bizarre bubbles in locations that nobody, but NOBODY, turns out ot want to live in). Again though, it's a matter of time scale. Even florida swampland sold in the '50s for incredibly silly prices is generally worth more now than it was then (in raw $, not adjusted for inflation, that is). But these long time scales are not necessarily relevant to most people. Even time scales of a decade or two - which covers most temporary sags in a region's housing market - are not necessarily gonna help most people, especially with the volatility of the JOB market these days and the resulting constant movement of people.
So I don't really see that anything exceptionally incomprehensible caused this situation. Just yer basic human nature and the tendancy to emphasize what could go right over what could go wrong where something you REALLY wanna do anyhow is involved.
I'm not a big fan of gov't regulation but this is one place where it seems fairly clear to me, anyhow, that a responsible adult (which the gov't CAN act like on occasion <g>) needed to have stepped in a lot sooner and told the kids to quit running with scissors before someone gets hurt.