Sustainability Master
Wow, last time I kept a CCX journal was 2020. A lot of changes since then.
I have orders for 50 chickens, dressed out of course. So I ordered 75 chicks, went and picked them up Wednesday, February 19. I built a new coop, bigger, for that many. They gave me 5 extra, total 80 chicks.
I will keep up with expenses and adventures and at the end of raising chickens I’ll do a cost and profit analysis.
Naturally the day I drove 3 hours north to Cumby, Texas, it was sleeting here, below freezing and only got colder and icier as I drove. Sleeted all the way there and halfway back. With 4 heat lamps going, the highest I could get it in the coop was 60F. Baby chicks need 90 F. So I dragged a big black Livestock water tub in the house, put in pine shavings, water , feed, heat lamp and chicks. It’s 6 days later. Haven’t lost any yet. Still in the house. They stink. Poop factory is ongoing and in overdrive.
I’m going to turn on the heat lamps in the big coop and check temperature. I’d really like to get these little stinkers out of here!
January 31, 2025. Countdown is on! I robbed the sheep pens for 1 cow panel and 2 hog panels and replaced them with a stretch of sheep and goat wire. It took most of the day. Dirt man called and was on his way with dirt!
February 1, had 2 sets of twins born in different fields. Had to get the lambs ear tagged, move moms and babies to small pens, feed, water, took most of the morning.
I ordered a 9 yard load of dirt to build up a pad and raise coop floor above grade. When it rains, it pours and front yard is standing lake. For some silly reason, chicks can’t swim. I scooped dirt with tractor and made about a thousand trips back and forth. Finally I had a safe looking platform.
February 3. I raided hurricane blown down used to be a building lumber graveyard with battery operated chainsaw. Hit a nail. Oops, gotta get a new chain. I trudged back and forth for materials, tools, supplies and wandered around brainlessly like a dementia patient. All. Day. Long. By day’s end I clicked 16,662 steps or 6.1 miles, but I had this.
Over the next several days I worked diligently on the coop. At the end of the day, February 7, I had a coop. Nothing was trimmed to fit, as I will tear this down. It’s in the front yard by necessity, close to wall plug and Carson’s yard so he can guard against raccoons.
Then it rained a deluge. Coop took on water. Hard freeze on the way. Possible ice, sleet, maybe snow.
I have orders for 50 chickens, dressed out of course. So I ordered 75 chicks, went and picked them up Wednesday, February 19. I built a new coop, bigger, for that many. They gave me 5 extra, total 80 chicks.
I will keep up with expenses and adventures and at the end of raising chickens I’ll do a cost and profit analysis.
Naturally the day I drove 3 hours north to Cumby, Texas, it was sleeting here, below freezing and only got colder and icier as I drove. Sleeted all the way there and halfway back. With 4 heat lamps going, the highest I could get it in the coop was 60F. Baby chicks need 90 F. So I dragged a big black Livestock water tub in the house, put in pine shavings, water , feed, heat lamp and chicks. It’s 6 days later. Haven’t lost any yet. Still in the house. They stink. Poop factory is ongoing and in overdrive.
I’m going to turn on the heat lamps in the big coop and check temperature. I’d really like to get these little stinkers out of here!
January 31, 2025. Countdown is on! I robbed the sheep pens for 1 cow panel and 2 hog panels and replaced them with a stretch of sheep and goat wire. It took most of the day. Dirt man called and was on his way with dirt!
February 1, had 2 sets of twins born in different fields. Had to get the lambs ear tagged, move moms and babies to small pens, feed, water, took most of the morning.
I ordered a 9 yard load of dirt to build up a pad and raise coop floor above grade. When it rains, it pours and front yard is standing lake. For some silly reason, chicks can’t swim. I scooped dirt with tractor and made about a thousand trips back and forth. Finally I had a safe looking platform.
February 3. I raided hurricane blown down used to be a building lumber graveyard with battery operated chainsaw. Hit a nail. Oops, gotta get a new chain. I trudged back and forth for materials, tools, supplies and wandered around brainlessly like a dementia patient. All. Day. Long. By day’s end I clicked 16,662 steps or 6.1 miles, but I had this.
Over the next several days I worked diligently on the coop. At the end of the day, February 7, I had a coop. Nothing was trimmed to fit, as I will tear this down. It’s in the front yard by necessity, close to wall plug and Carson’s yard so he can guard against raccoons.
Then it rained a deluge. Coop took on water. Hard freeze on the way. Possible ice, sleet, maybe snow.
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