I've only raised about 10 Cornish Cross at a time. They were all free range like the other chickens. They're smart and active and forage just like the egg layers. They run a little awkward, but cute. We didn't butcher them until they were 5-6 months old. Grew up to be beautiful birds. Sad day for butchering, but they all had extended and very good lives with us.
I slaughtered 14 today, process tomorrow. 4 more big chickens. A neighbor wants to come over Saturday and learn how to slaughter chickens. So I saved the last few. Then I take a 2 week break before I start on the next batch.
92 pounds, 12 ounces of chickens today. One was 8 pounds! I parted them out, skinless boneless breast, 1/2 to a package, leg quarters, wings cut for buffalo wings, and backs packaged to be canned for the dogs. Scraps to be canned for dogs. Big bag of gizzards, hearts, and livers, I’ll package tomorrow. Got 2 big bowls of deboned meat to make ground meat tomorrow. I’m tired.
I woke up at 2:40 AM thinking about that meat to ground up. Sigh…. I got up at 3, had my 2 cups of coffee and went to work. 30 pounds of meat, some made into pan sausage. Vacuum sealed in 1 pound packages.
if those chicken livers were processed into something like braunschwieger i could probably manage to eat them, but cooked up in a pan and wrapped in bacon i couldn't enjoy them at all. i don't normally like strong liver flavors anyways so if it is toned down i can eat it and enjoy it, but not full bore. as a kid in our family i was the only one besides Dad who would eat it, but i only wanted a few bites and that was enough.
in my older age i am getting more picky, but if i were hungry enough i could probably eat them just fine. too bad though they don't taste like chocolate.
I like fried chicken livers and gizzards. Don’t like any other kind of liver.
Once I bought nearly 70 pounds of beef liver for the dogs. 17 cents a pound, was so excited! I found a readily available source of meat for the dogs. Only one problem, they didn’t like it any better than I did.
Boiled—not hardly
Finally I snuck chunks into canning quart jars of chicken parts I was canning for them. The chicken masked the smell and taste. I didn’t make that mistake again.
I like fried chicken livers. Also calf liver with onions. No pork liver. Some foods are just not palatable
But I like brussel sprouts, too....strong tastes aren't for everyone.