Super Self-Sufficient
rocks (of all colors) are pretty dang meaty n their own, so I cant see why combining the larger breast and faster growth of a pure Cornish to a nice ual purpose rock would be a bad thing...
the only reason white rocks were use is because its much easier to dress out white birds (lighter feathers)
same reason why most commercial everything was developed for white/light coloration, (unluding meat rabbits and pigs, quail, turkey ect...most comerical breeds are white or buff/red...
I say go for it
and post pictures!
the only reason white rocks were use is because its much easier to dress out white birds (lighter feathers)
same reason why most commercial everything was developed for white/light coloration, (unluding meat rabbits and pigs, quail, turkey ect...most comerical breeds are white or buff/red...
I say go for it