Sustainability Master
Never would I have dreamed this would happen in the United States.
N.J. hospitals consider do-not-resuscitate orders for coronavirus patients to protect doctors, nurses
New Jersey hospitals have been hit with a surge of coronavirus patients, which has resulted in an unprecedented number of doctors and nurses getting
Awful as it sounds, I can understand why. Our medical professionals do not have enough or the right PPE to protect themselves. And they are supposed to resuscitate dying people with a highly contagious disease? As I read the article, it was not a blanket statement, the decision to not resuscitate someone is on a case by case basis, on who stands the best chance of surviving. It has to be gut wrenching for the people who are dedicated to saving lives, not letting them go. With so many doctors and nurses who are themselves getting sick, we must protect them. We need them, to care for those who can and do survive. If that sounds cold and uncaring, it is reality. Me personally, I would not give CPR to a known Covid 19, dying patient. Mouth to mouth? I don’t think so.