Coronavirus Concern Up

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Super Self-Sufficient
Mar 12, 2017
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Shenandoah Valley, Va
Heard that 2 more pork processing plants have closed due to the virus.... counting the Smithfield plant in SD that closed last week, that is nearly 50% of the hog processing in the country. There will be pork shortages in the future because there are hogs that can't get slaughtered. There is talk of eggs from breeder farms being dumped (the broiler breeder hens that lay the fertile eggs to be hatched) ..... If the hogs can't get processed soon, they will start killing and burying them because they cannot just keep feeding them,.... There will be breeding sows that are killed, or ones that have farrowed will have the pigs disposed of so that they will not "clog" the pipeline because there is no where for the pigs to go at weaning.

Beef slaughter is down by over 1/3 now, and it is going to get worse. We have seen a loss of income from cull cows; the kind that go into mostly hamburger and such.... from $.60-.75 cents a pound to $.35 to .45 cents a pound with the closing of the JBS processing plant in Pa.......

This is getting serious guys..... there is not a shortage of beef or pork or chicken or eggs..... it is a shortage of ability to process and part of that is because we have gotten too dependent on these BIG plants and big companies that have gotten control over all it. The smaller plants have less chance of the virus spreading amongst all the workers like the big plants..... a few smaller ones can shut down and not disrupt so much of the supply.

All the more reason to stock up on some stuff now if you find it,,,, and to raise more of your own and support your closest local small butcher......


Sustainability Master
Nov 13, 2010
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East Texas
BJ just said that when there is meat at the store, the prices will be sky %#&% high! And y'all know what? The prices will stay there. Even when things get back to normal, the prices will stay up there.


Sustainability Master
Jul 16, 2017
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Zone 6B or 7 can't decide
Heard that 2 more pork processing plants have closed due to the virus.... counting the Smithfield plant in SD that closed last week, that is nearly 50% of the hog processing in the country. There will be pork shortages in the future because there are hogs that can't get slaughtered. There is talk of eggs from breeder farms being dumped (the broiler breeder hens that lay the fertile eggs to be hatched) ..... If the hogs can't get processed soon, they will start killing and burying them because they cannot just keep feeding them,.... There will be breeding sows that are killed, or ones that have farrowed will have the pigs disposed of so that they will not "clog" the pipeline because there is no where for the pigs to go at weaning.

Beef slaughter is down by over 1/3 now, and it is going to get worse. We have seen a loss of income from cull cows; the kind that go into mostly hamburger and such.... from $.60-.75 cents a pound to $.35 to .45 cents a pound with the closing of the JBS processing plant in Pa.......

This is getting serious guys..... there is not a shortage of beef or pork or chicken or eggs..... it is a shortage of ability to process and part of that is because we have gotten too dependent on these BIG plants and big companies that have gotten control over all it. The smaller plants have less chance of the virus spreading amongst all the workers like the big plants..... a few smaller ones can shut down and not disrupt so much of the supply.

All the more reason to stock up on some stuff now if you find it,,,, and to raise more of your own and support your closest local small butcher......

I still have 1 1/2 deers in the deep freezer, chickens & turkeys on the hoof. All the eggs we could ever want to eat. Plus about 40 gallons of beer and multiple cases of wine, It ain't serious over here. Now if we run out of coffee, that would be serious!
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Chic Rustler

Super Self-Sufficient
May 10, 2017
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Some very thought provoking discussion going on here. Herd immunity will definitely help and there are diseases out there that will kill us, but have been managed as @tortise said. High blood pressure, obesity and diabetes are mostly self inflicted. I said mostly! People choose to lead unhealthy lives, either from ignorance, complacency or just because they want to. Many here have health problems but strive to improve their lives and health. So there is two sides of the same coin. All we can do is the best we can do.

darn right! I never dreamed I would habe heart disease before 40. bit we play the cards we are dealt! and I'm gonna play the hell out of this hand!!


El Presidente de Pollo
Dec 7, 2009
Reaction score
We were talking about the uncertainty with food today. I am praying my garden works out, and that we can find some hogs to kill and a calf.
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