Coronavirus Concern Up

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Super Self-Sufficient
Jun 29, 2018
Reaction score
SW Michigan
Not too many years back....this is my mother and our 2 room log cabin, freshly built in 1978. No water, no electricity, no nothin', with cardboard covering the floors and as underpinning. I lived in that little cabin for 8 yrs of my formative years. It still stands and I can see it from where we live now.

View attachment 15418
This looks like it could be in a magazine!


Super Self-Sufficient
Mar 12, 2017
Reaction score
Shenandoah Valley, Va
Past pissed.
On another cattle forum that I frequent; there was a link to a presentation by Dr. Simone Gold of the group Americans Front Line Doctors. I will try to post it here since I am VERY ELECTRONICALLY CHALLENGED.
"" I think that was www. in the front of it. Released on 1-26-2021.
There are many who will poo-poo this, but you are talking hundreds of doctors that are members of this group, with many many other researchers behind them. Added to the post above about the hot mike.... it really makes you wonder.
I personally like her way of saying things, and the obvious (apparent) emotion in her voice. I especially like that she keeps reiterating that there are things that they don't know..... and her assessment of the vaccine.
And in case anyone has doubts, the CDC has QUIETLY the use of hydroxychloroquine for use in the treatment of this virus, and that you can find many links to the benefits of using ivermectin. Also the role that vitamin D plays....
If you are on the fence about the vaccine, consider what she says about the different age groups.... why it is not recommended for healthy people.... and to do a little more research before you jump into it.
I personally will not take it. My son had it, diagnosed in early Dec when his boss came down with it and he had to get tested. Had crappy flu symptoms.... felt like s@#t.... his gf also diagnosed pos with 3 days of headaches and backaches. The Red Cross is asking for blood donors since they are not having their normal blood drives, and has offered to do a anti-body test as part of it.... hoping to find some people with high levels of anti-bodies so they can use the blood for therapeutic use for others ......


Super Self-Sufficient
Jun 29, 2018
Reaction score
SW Michigan
Past pissed.
On another cattle forum that I frequent; there was a link to a presentation by Dr. Simone Gold of the group Americans Front Line Doctors. I will try to post it here since I am VERY ELECTRONICALLY CHALLENGED.
"" I think that was www. in the front of it. Released on 1-26-2021.
There are many who will poo-poo this, but you are talking hundreds of doctors that are members of this group, with many many other researchers behind them. Added to the post above about the hot mike.... it really makes you wonder.
I personally like her way of saying things, and the obvious (apparent) emotion in her voice. I especially like that she keeps reiterating that there are things that they don't know..... and her assessment of the vaccine.
And in case anyone has doubts, the CDC has QUIETLY the use of hydroxychloroquine for use in the treatment of this virus, and that you can find many links to the benefits of using ivermectin. Also the role that vitamin D plays....
If you are on the fence about the vaccine, consider what she says about the different age groups.... why it is not recommended for healthy people.... and to do a little more research before you jump into it.
I personally will not take it. My son had it, diagnosed in early Dec when his boss came down with it and he had to get tested. Had crappy flu symptoms.... felt like s@#t.... his gf also diagnosed pos with 3 days of headaches and backaches. The Red Cross is asking for blood donors since they are not having their normal blood drives, and has offered to do a anti-body test as part of it.... hoping to find some people with high levels of anti-bodies so they can use the blood for therapeutic use for others ......
Says site can't be reached, but found it by typing in the entire title.
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