Coronavirus Concern Up

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Mountain Sage
Jul 11, 2008
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Mountains of WV
They didn't make anyone wear masks, close their businesses, or stop visiting their families. It took individuals to obey. Many people just thought, and still think "when this is all over" we'll hash out this or that, or do this or that. Heard many times. However, now it's not going to be over. Would we be where we are now if the majority did not acquiesce a year ago? Or at the very first thought of scam, remove the masks, open your businesses. Which for many was very early on in this game.
And that's exactly how they will vaccinate the world. The very same people who willingly went along with the loss of their freedoms because they were too fearful to seek the truth are and will be the same people who let them vaccinate the world. It's the majority, the weak of mind and will, who let dictators walk all over the rest of the world because they refuse to unite against the tyranny....they go along to get along.

Lazy Gardener

Super Self-Sufficient
May 14, 2017
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Central Maine, Zone 4B
They didn't make anyone wear masks, close their businesses, or stop visiting their families. It took individuals to obey. Many people just thought, and still think "when this is all over" we'll hash out this or that, or do this or that. Heard many times. However, now it's not going to be over. Would we be where we are now if the majority did not acquiesce a year ago? Or at the very first thought of scam, remove the masks, open your businesses. Which for many was very early on in this game.

While it took individuals to obey, this is what happened in Maine, and other states: Professional licenses were suspended, thus... a licensed professional could no longer practice her profession. Daily fines were levied against any businesses that did not comply, with jail time for non compliance with fines. A local church could only continue their outreach program to the "recovery" community if they removed any "Christian" teaching from their recovery program. Any one who entered a store with bare face, even if they had a medical exemption, faced: permanent banning from that store, after being subjected to police detention (with multiple police cars/personnel turning out to participate in "riot control") simply b/c one dared to enter a store with bare face. Businesses were fined. Meanwhile, our Governor sits in her office, refusing to even speak to the reps and legislators. And, most of them are swamp creatures, anyways. They are passing one legislative bill after an other that further tramples the rights of Maine citizens. One of the most recent ones: To prohibit teachers from engaging in political, religious, or pushing sexual agendae was outright scoffed at, by the legislators. They stated: "that never happens in the classrooms!" An other bill to allow transparency in the remote or on campus classrooms, so that parents could view the curriculae. Did not pass.

Bee, hubby and i have been discussing the issues surrounding the jab as it pertains to the mark of the beast. He says definitely not, based on his knowledge of scripture, stating: "Any one who receives the mark will do so with full knowledge, and it will be an outward sign of bearing allegiance to satan, and rejection of God." I say, his argument has very valid points, but... the jab bears many of the characteristics of the mark, and COULD be the mark, IF receiving the jab comes with placing all faith in the great reset, which is a complete rejection of God. Either way, we are closer than we have ever been. Such exciting times.


Mountain Sage
Jul 11, 2008
Reaction score
Mountains of WV
Bee, hubby and i have been discussing the issues surrounding the jab as it pertains to the mark of the beast. He says definitely not, based on his knowledge of scripture, stating: "Any one who receives the mark will do so with full knowledge, and it will be an outward sign of bearing allegiance to satan, and rejection of God." I say, his argument has very valid points, but... the jab bears many of the characteristics of the mark, and COULD be the mark, IF receiving the jab comes with placing all faith in the great reset, which is a complete rejection of God. Either way, we are closer than we have ever been. Such exciting times.
That's what everyone is saying...but the scriptures simply do not state that about the mark....all it says is that the Beast will CAUSE all to receive it, but it doesn't state it's in allegiance to him at all. There is a GREAT DECEPTION, which also is not described, involved with the beast and the mark...does everyone think the mark of the beast will be clearly defined for all and sundry so they can choose? If one believes that, it's not in the scriptures at all, so no basis for it.

And, one has to consider, anyone taking the vaccine IS doing it with full knowledge that Satan has given them and them believing the lie from the Father of Lies IS allegiance to Satan. So many warnings and truth out there about Covid and the vax but you've seen how many adamantly deny those truths and even get angry when you present them to them....why the anger? If they don't believe it, they are free to discard it, but they don't....they get very angry and try to suppress the truth. Sound familiar?

It all has to do with deception and not just any deception but a GREAT deception, that ~if it were possible!~even the elect would believe it~and that great deception is world wide....when was the last time you saw a world wide deception like we are seeing now? Apparently, the true elect are informed by the Holy Spirit not to believe the great deception, thus making it impossible for them to fall for it......and those who are not are not being given that discernment, are indeed believing it.


Almost Self-Reliant
Jul 5, 2018
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NE Oklahoma
I have purposefully NOT been reading this thread because I was afraid it was just the overly touchy, OMG we must get vacced people. Got bored and didn't want to garden. Picked up on the last few-5 pages and whole heartedly agree with this group. I to am on BYC and don't like the constant jibber jabber and forced opinions. All one sided of course just like mentioned a few pages back, honest info found yesterday is so suppresed it can't be found today.
A whole different and more to my taste, breed here and BYH.

Lazy Gardener

Super Self-Sufficient
May 14, 2017
Reaction score
Central Maine, Zone 4B
That's what everyone is saying...but the scriptures simply do not state that about the mark....all it says is that the Beast will CAUSE all to receive it, but it doesn't state it's in allegiance to him at all. There is a GREAT DECEPTION, which also is not described, involved with the beast and the mark...does everyone think the mark of the beast will be clearly defined for all and sundry so they can choose? If one believes that, it's not in the scriptures at all, so no basis for it.

And, one has to consider, anyone taking the vaccine IS doing it with full knowledge that Satan has given them and them believing the lie from the Father of Lies IS allegiance to Satan. So many warnings and truth out there about Covid and the vax but you've seen how many adamantly deny those truths and even get angry when you present them to them....why the anger? If they don't believe it, they are free to discard it, but they don't....they get very angry and try to suppress the truth. Sound familiar?

It all has to do with deception and not just any deception but a GREAT deception, that ~if it were possible!~even the elect would believe it~and that great deception is world wide....when was the last time you saw a world wide deception like we are seeing now? Apparently, the true elect are informed by the Holy Spirit not to believe the great deception, thus making it impossible for them to fall for it......and those who are not are not being given that discernment, are indeed believing it.
Will have to do some scripture searches. I understand what you are saying. It's so easy to think you know what the scriptures say about a particular topic... because that's what you've been taught all your life. Then... you're led to a search, and you find out that you have believed a partial truth, or added to a truth.


Mountain Sage
Jul 11, 2008
Reaction score
Mountains of WV
Will have to do some scripture searches. I understand what you are saying. It's so easy to think you know what the scriptures say about a particular topic... because that's what you've been taught all your life. Then... you're led to a search, and you find out that you have believed a partial truth, or added to a truth.
Same here. Told one thing all my life until I actually read the Bible...several times and this last time I accompanied it with teaching on each and every chapter of the Bible. You find out a lot of what you were taught and always "understood" was, in fact, just generalizations. When you get down to the nitty gritty you find that many preachers paraphrase a lot and put their own spin on things when it's not spelled out for them clearly.


Almost Self-Reliant
Jul 5, 2018
Reaction score
NE Oklahoma
Will have to do some scripture searches. I understand what you are saying. It's so easy to think you know what the scriptures say about a particular topic... because that's what you've been taught all your life. Then... you're led to a search, and you find out that you have believed a partial truth, or added to a truth.
A simple , comma , in the -------- version leads to a different opinion and whole belief for many many people. I used to study, even give talks. Sadly now I'm lucky to make it every Sun morn.
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