Coronavirus Concern Up

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El Presidente de Pollo
Dec 7, 2009
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I get your point also, but you know we are a country of law's. I look at it like this...

Follow the laws and you'll be ok. Break the laws and you suffer the consequences.

I drilled that in to my kids heads so many times over the decades. You might could tell it was well rehearsed. Although I did add one last item with my kids -

and don't except mom or dad to bail you out either!
I'm in no way advocating for mingling with the masses if you're sick, but this is one of the situations that the "old timers" on this forum discussed 10 years ago when I came on board. We are in a real emergency preparedness situation, and we are seeing the beginnings of Government strong arming. Same thing with banning sale of guns, ammunition and alcohol in Illinois. The forcible containment is another symptom of it. It's not against the law to be out when you're sick. On the other hand, I know that this person has no reason to be in a position to infect other people. I do find it to be an erosion of freedoms to an extent.

Domestic travel restrictions are next...


Sustainability Master
Jul 16, 2017
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Zone 6B or 7 can't decide
Thinking post Chinese COVID-19 and how this experience will change our lives.

1) I "hope" this is a wake up call to every nation on Earth to enable critical medicines and supplies to be made in mutiple countries.

In the networking world we call this high availability. Critical systems are in deverse locations with automatic failover. You may have multiple primary locations and redundancy built in to automatically failover should one of the primary locations fail.

The people of the USA was made the fool when in 2001 China was "awarded" a permanent most favorable nation status December 27, 2001. And US pharma companies (amonst most everything else) started shipping off their stuff to be made in China.

2) Will we ever be comfortable hugging, shaking hand again? Doubt it... Social distancing as they are calling is sure to impact the way in which we interact with one another. The chicken wing bump will become all the rage. I read that Spain is introducing new cleanliness laws, not just personal hygiene, but also for places of large gatherings including businesses.

3) I also personally believe "on-line" shopping will take off like a rocket and brick and mortar will continue suffer a huge downfall. Expecially with the invent of 5G. Virtual shopping for just about everything will become the next big thing and in the not to distant future.

4) dinning out... I have a felling unless someone comes up with a way to comfort the fears of the public. That restaurants are going to take a big hit. The hey honey let's go out to dinner 😘 will be far and few in-between.

5) What about theaters, church services, concerts and other large socal gatherings, places of work??? How will social distancing impact things like this? It's a question that begs for an answer.

6) in the not to distant future, look for new bacteria killing plastics and paper, cardboard and other packaging materials to be developed and become mainstream. Calling a revisit to what it means to be bio- degradable.

i always find it interesting to look beyond the now and try and try to see what will become. I know deep down in my soul, big changes are sure to come as a result of Chinese COVID-19. And they will not be limited to one country, most will be global changes. Only because the Chinese COVID-19 virus has impacted the world.
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Sustainability Master
Jul 16, 2017
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Zone 6B or 7 can't decide
I'm in no way advocating for mingling with the masses if you're sick, but this is one of the situations that the "old timers" on this forum discussed 10 years ago when I came on board. We are in a real emergency preparedness situation, and we are seeing the beginnings of Government strong arming. Same thing with banning sale of guns, ammunition and alcohol in Illinois. The forcible containment is another symptom of it. It's not against the law to be out when you're sick. On the other hand, I know that this person has no reason to be in a position to infect other people. I do find it to be an erosion of freedoms to an extent.

Domestic travel restrictions are next...

Yeah but ILLINOIS is run by a bunch of retards...

Chic Rustler

Super Self-Sufficient
May 10, 2017
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I sewed up the holes we had here. got a few more staples for bread making and such. got security handled for the home. got a few bucks stashed, that's about all we can do. now im just waiting to bug in


Sustainability Master
Jul 16, 2017
Reaction score
Zone 6B or 7 can't decide
One of son's owns a coffee shop right across the street from the Abrham Lincoln Presidential Library and Memorial Museum (ALPLM,) in Springfield IL. Two tourists from Florida who went to through ALPLM and yep you guessed it... to my son's coffee shop afterwards, tested positive for Chinese COVID-19. My son, nor any of his employees are showing any symptoms and I'm praying none of them come down with it.

He was due to come for a visit tomorrow but that's now been postponed, out of an abundance of caution.

I'm glad the House and Senate passed and the POTUS signed help for small businesses, because now that the ALPLM is closed temporarily to help stop the spread of Chinese COVID-19. I have a feeling my son's coffee shop is going to need it, before this is over with :(

I just found all of this out, when he called and talked to me a little while ago. He didn't want to tell us because we might worry.

First my son in law, now my son both having close calls. I guess that's the way it works with a big family, but still :(


Sustainability Master
Nov 13, 2010
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East Texas
I told hubby we needed to stock up on eggs or we'd run out. He threatened to throw something at me from his chair.

I'm going to be preserving eggs in my favorite method. Lemon curd.
Do you have a recipe that you could share? Co you can it? Thanks!

Mini Horses

Sustainability Master
Sep 2, 2015
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coastal VA
I told hubby we needed to stock up on eggs or we'd run out

Don't you have chickens??? Yeah, smaller eggs but, still eggs. I'm with hubs. LOL

I'm ready to throw eggs at passer-bys. My girls are on a roll!!!! I don't need 3 doz a day. BUT maybe sales will go up with store shelves empty. LOL DD is taking 6 doz to work Thur to sell from the counter at people pick up their dry cleaning.
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