Mini Horses
Sustainability Master
It's all about the money. Make it cheap, sell it high.
So true. Sadly, many items are made so poorly they are not worth buying.
The coronavirus....
Articles tell you prepare for 2 weeks. LOL, that's incubation so they are saying wait to re-expose? Well, I have enough of everything here for months! I have a good supply of elderberry juice that I now consume each day. I don't intend to stay penned up. I do plan to use common sense about where I go and the hand washing, face touching, door knobs, steering wheels, etc. I always have sanitizing wipes in my truck & rubber gloves, paper cups, napkins, ropes, leadlines, buckets, blankets, clean rags, basic tools, jugs of water, jumper cables, etc. It's me. Work & years of animal care have me prepared for unexpected things.
It's a rampant, severe flu virus that takes over quickly on weak immune systems. I try to stay away from crowds. But my work is in stores. Protocol for food demos means a LOT of sanitizing, often & gloves always. In stores where I am in an aisle doing resets, I spray the area with Lysol. Kills many germs! Good stuff. Yes, I can wear gloves.
So, for me, it's caution and good practices. Stock up on necessities isn't needed, I'm there. Don't panic. If you need prescription meds, yes, be sure to stock up.
Animal feeds would be my only "watch" supplies on hand. But a feed store isn't crowed like the grocery lines. Most feed isn't perishable quickly. I'm normally good for 2-3 weeks supply anyway. LOL.