Sustainability Master
You canned them without added liquid?
Read this if your thinking of taking fish antibiotics. God only knows what's in them...
This Is Why Taking Fish Medicine Is Truly a Bad Idea
Those who misuse aquatic antibiotics are playing a dangerous game with their health, doctors and veterinarians
We are now under shelter in place orders here in Washington thanks to the jerks treating this as party at the beach time. I think Oregon went to that today as well. I know all the coastal cities in both states have told tourists to gtfo and closed hotels and campgrounds to all but permanent residents. Beach access roads are closed.
Mom said they have been talking of closing the Columbia River bridge there in Umatilla to all but commercial traffic. Her and Dad went to Kennewick and got their monthly shopping done today luckily. She did find potatoes and produce finally at the Cash and Carry there. Winco had limits on most things like soups and such. Soup was 5 of all soup products.
Eh. Mom figures with the produce and the meat in her deep freeze they will be good a long while. Im jealous. Mom has 2 deep freezers. We can only fit one. I do have a little 7 cu ft one as well we bought 2 decades ago that helps too. It was all we could shoehorn into an apartment back then.
We'll find out tomorrow if hubby's work is closing for the time being.
Exactly and I still have vivid memories of the dreaded needle gun in elementary school that each and everyone of us got for polio and a bunch of other vaccines combined in one blast of the gun.
Then in gym class the gym teacher and nurse checking everyone's arm for over a week and writing on a clipboard.
I still have the faint outline of the scar that gun gave me and everyone else. Could you just imagine that happening today? OMG, the libs heads would explode. But back then I think just about every living human being on Earth got the needle gun. Today some people can't even trust the president of the United States let alone a agency of the US Government like the FDA who approved and orchestrated the needle gun globally. People's memories are short alright and it's very sad they are ungrateful also.
If you use a weighted gauge canner pressure will always stay constant regardless of the heat. Dial gauge canners are the ones that are harder to maintain even with a gas stove.
Lot of reasons to not take them, but... what if you are living in a place/time when the doctor refuses to see the patient, or they can't (because there isn't a doctor), and you are standing there with a Merck Veterinary Medicine book in your hand looking at your loved one who obviously has a raging illness of some sort. I think at that point, using whatever you have on hand is better than not.