Coronavirus Concern Up

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Sustainability Master
Nov 2, 2011
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On the foot of Mt Rainier zone 8b
I take 5000 vit D daily on doctors orders. It eliminated my depression issues. My family has a medical history of not absorbing vit D properly even when living in the desert as farmers. I'm up here in the land of grey sky.

Hubby's work has them on 32 hour weeks. They can't go lower or people will lose their medical. Hubby's day off is Friday.


Sustainability Master
Nov 2, 2011
Reaction score
On the foot of Mt Rainier zone 8b
Our cats could feed us on voles, if we beat the dogs to them. Cats like eating just the heads. Nothing like watching a cat try to chew faster because they know the German shepherd came outside with me and she will forcefully take it from them. The dog is good at catching songbirds but she lays down and eats them immediately. So dog food needs are reduced

Lazy Gardener

Super Self-Sufficient
May 14, 2017
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Central Maine, Zone 4B
My canning instructions say to finish the canning time at the correct pressure for the correct amount of time. turn off heat wait till pressure ga. down to 0, Remove the weight (jiggler) wait 10 more minutes, then open and remove jars. I find that siphoning (loss of jar liquid) occurs when pressure is not consistent during cooking process.


El Presidente de Pollo
Dec 7, 2009
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If you use a weighted gauge canner pressure will always stay constant regardless of the heat. Dial gauge canners are the ones that are harder to maintain even with a gas stove.


Sustainability Master
Jul 22, 2011
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Klamath County, OR
Read this if your thinking of taking fish antibiotics. God only knows what's in them...

Lot of reasons to not take them, but... what if you are living in a place/time when the doctor refuses to see the patient, or they can't (because there isn't a doctor), and you are standing there with a Merck Veterinary Medicine book in your hand looking at your loved one who obviously has a raging illness of some sort. I think at that point, using whatever you have on hand is better than not.


Sustainability Master
Nov 2, 2011
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On the foot of Mt Rainier zone 8b
We are now under shelter in place orders here in Washington thanks to the jerks treating this as party at the beach time. I think Oregon went to that today as well. I know all the coastal cities in both states have told tourists to gtfo and closed hotels and campgrounds to all but permanent residents. Beach access roads are closed.

Mom said they have been talking of closing the Columbia River bridge there in Umatilla to all but commercial traffic. Her and Dad went to Kennewick and got their monthly shopping done today luckily. She did find potatoes and produce finally at the Cash and Carry there. Winco had limits on most things like soups and such. Soup was 5 of all soup products.

Eh. Mom figures with the produce and the meat in her deep freeze they will be good a long while. Im jealous. Mom has 2 deep freezers. We can only fit one. I do have a little 7 cu ft one as well we bought 2 decades ago that helps too. It was all we could shoehorn into an apartment back then.

We'll find out tomorrow if hubby's work is closing for the time being.


Super Self-Sufficient
Jan 31, 2015
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Lovell Wyoming
We are now under shelter in place orders here in Washington thanks to the jerks treating this as party at the beach time. I think Oregon went to that today as well. I know all the coastal cities in both states have told tourists to gtfo and closed hotels and campgrounds to all but permanent residents. Beach access roads are closed.

Mom said they have been talking of closing the Columbia River bridge there in Umatilla to all but commercial traffic. Her and Dad went to Kennewick and got their monthly shopping done today luckily. She did find potatoes and produce finally at the Cash and Carry there. Winco had limits on most things like soups and such. Soup was 5 of all soup products.

Eh. Mom figures with the produce and the meat in her deep freeze they will be good a long while. Im jealous. Mom has 2 deep freezers. We can only fit one. I do have a little 7 cu ft one as well we bought 2 decades ago that helps too. It was all we could shoehorn into an apartment back then.

We'll find out tomorrow if hubby's work is closing for the time being.

I hope this slows down soon we are supposed to go to Washington this summer to visit family but how things are going it doesn't look like its going to happen.

Lazy Gardener

Super Self-Sufficient
May 14, 2017
Reaction score
Central Maine, Zone 4B
As for the push for testing: it's a false security IMO. for this reason: Say I have the sniffles, or a raging cold with acute coughing, so go get tested. My test comes back negative. FWIW, any time I get a cold, I get severe symptoms, it settles into my chest, and I require steroids to get over the severe reactive airway symptoms. Fine... So... assuming that the test is accurate, one can assume that I don't have this virus at the time of testing. But... folks are still needing to go out now and then. I skip into the store next week for a gallon of milk. And... just happen to be exposed... and just happen to catch this virus. But, I've already been tested, and have been told that I am clear. Testing is only a snapshot of a moment of time. So... it makes sense to me to save testing for the symptomatic patients.

Lazy Gardener

Super Self-Sufficient
May 14, 2017
Reaction score
Central Maine, Zone 4B
Exactly and I still have vivid memories of the dreaded needle gun in elementary school that each and everyone of us got for polio and a bunch of other vaccines combined in one blast of the gun.

Then in gym class the gym teacher and nurse checking everyone's arm for over a week and writing on a clipboard.

I still have the faint outline of the scar that gun gave me and everyone else. Could you just imagine that happening today? OMG, the libs heads would explode. But back then I think just about every living human being on Earth got the needle gun. Today some people can't even trust the president of the United States let alone a agency of the US Government like the FDA who approved and orchestrated the needle gun globally. People's memories are short alright and it's very sad they are ungrateful also.

I remember the polio vaccine being an oral administration on a sugar cube. I remember the gun being for small pox. It left a big sore scab, and the nasty mean boys took pleasure in punching their victims in the arm over the scab.

If you use a weighted gauge canner pressure will always stay constant regardless of the heat. Dial gauge canners are the ones that are harder to maintain even with a gas stove.

Good to know. I bought a Mirro and don't use it b/c the gauge would never jiggle. All it did was constant hiss, or nothing at all. No middle ground. What say you? I use a presto with gauge and weight.

Lot of reasons to not take them, but... what if you are living in a place/time when the doctor refuses to see the patient, or they can't (because there isn't a doctor), and you are standing there with a Merck Veterinary Medicine book in your hand looking at your loved one who obviously has a raging illness of some sort. I think at that point, using whatever you have on hand is better than not.

Agreed with you. And in uncertain times, I would have no qualms about taking antibiotic intended for animals. I know a certain vet who will self dose with animal medications when it's warranted. But... I never said that, and you never heard that. It could be just hearsay! ;)
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