Lovin' The Homestead
Wore a mask to my therapy appt (they are requiring it) and spent half the time adjusting it so constantly touching my face/mask. I don't think I touch my face once without the mask at PT ..... wonder what they are going to do if I start in the pool for the PT they think will help my knees too.....ain't wearing a mask in the pool.....
I wear a mask when I have to. But then, I only leave the house when I need to. I've always been that way. I'd much rather be at home than out shopping.
When I have a mask on, I'm always having to fix it so that I can breathe. It feels like I'm suffocating and the longer I wear the harder I have to breathe to get enough air.
Sooner or later we are all going to get the virus. Unless they come up with a vaccine that actually works. Even if they do, I'll be very hesitant to take it.