Man opinion.
I prefer natural over enhanced any day. I have never seen enhanced that don't look like they have something in them. They look great under a blouse and a lot look great with the blouse off. There are positions where you can tell there is some additive in there. They also don't feel the same.
I can understand a woman wanting to have them tightened up a bit when they get older and go south a little. After all everyone would like to have what they had when they were younger. Also ok if you have overly large boobs and they hurt your back or are just uncomfortable. I won't comment on size because that kind of stuff is a mistake no matter what you say. Tummy tucks are the same thing. I could use one myself, but I would have to be making about 5x what I make before I would even think of it. I could understand it in a man under 40 or a woman under 70 that wants to wear a 2 piece bathing suit.
Besides men have to make do with what nature gave them
. No complaints, just saying.
I prefer natural over enhanced any day. I have never seen enhanced that don't look like they have something in them. They look great under a blouse and a lot look great with the blouse off. There are positions where you can tell there is some additive in there. They also don't feel the same.
I can understand a woman wanting to have them tightened up a bit when they get older and go south a little. After all everyone would like to have what they had when they were younger. Also ok if you have overly large boobs and they hurt your back or are just uncomfortable. I won't comment on size because that kind of stuff is a mistake no matter what you say. Tummy tucks are the same thing. I could use one myself, but I would have to be making about 5x what I make before I would even think of it. I could understand it in a man under 40 or a woman under 70 that wants to wear a 2 piece bathing suit.
Besides men have to make do with what nature gave them