A Major Squash & Pumpkin Lover
Yikes! That really puts it in perspective, beekissed! I'll quite moaning and groaning and get my butt back into my 85-degree kitchen 

See, I'm trying to get our church to grow a mission garden and do the same thing! Just think of the amazing fellowship that would come with putting all that food in a jar, or freezer, for folks who need it. We have tons of space out back of the church, most of the congregation are retired folks and I told them I would do all the planting and tending if they provided the right materials.pioneergirl said:My grandmother had a huge basement, and when it was coming time to put up veggies and fruit, grandpa would get to work prepping. See, the basement had a stove, long tables, beds, and a washer/dryer. All the sisters would come over (I belive there were 8 in all) and bring what they wanted to can. Then they would spend a week down there, everyone helping to clean,cut, can, etc. They would literally live in the basement until it was all done. Then they would split it up amongst them and be done til the following year!!
Beekissed, this is the second time I have read this post. I laughed this time because it reminded me of the old joke about the son who was complaining and the dad who told him to be happy because when HE (dad) was a boy, he had to WALK to school...Beekissed said:I had to laugh a little when I was reading on all the forums about all the produce people had canned. Then came in all the pics of the shining little jars all lined up. Maybe a few pints of this and a few quarts of that and folks were so excited about all the vegetables they had gleaned from their gardens!
When I was growing up, it was nothing to put in 100-200 qts of tomatoes, 100-200 qts of corn, as well as a whiskey barrel of pickled corn, 100 qt. of green beans, 100 qts. of apple sauce, 25-50 qts. of assorted veggies such as pickles, peppers, green tomatoes, jelly, and honey. Our bin of potatoes would be approx. 3 ft. X 3 ft. X 5 ft. and filled to overflowing. Not to mention around 50-75 qts. of deer meat.
All of this was done without running water and on a wood cook a tiny kitchen with no electricity.
My mother, even now, usually puts in around 100 qts. of tomatoes. She and Dad are vegetarians, so they still live very much out of their garden.
We worked our garden like it was the difference between life and death back then, so it can be done with the proper motivation and some hard work.