Sustainability Master
Hmmmm........ I guess if a stray dog shows up, I need to take a good look at him!
That sounds awesome, sounds like you will have a steady flow of beef for your family. And yes, maybe a little different than the chickens.I've got processing date of Oct 10 2022 and two Hereford / Angus cross bulls in bands becoming steers. If all is good, they will be delivered Dec 1st. Estimated weight is about 500 lbs each. I'm quite sure winter husbandry of these two steers will be a lot different than CCX chickens I did last year.
I'll also be following up with 2 beef calfs this spring and a late fall 2023 processing date. It'll be so nice to put an end to buying store bought beef.
Lots of planning and replanning, finally starting to come together. Which is so nice.
Jesus is Lord and Christ
You are such an encouragor there I done did it, you caused me create a new word. Every new word needs a definitionYou just can’t beat home grown beef.
She won't buy regular 80/20 ground beef and it must be no hormone or biotics added kind. Even still, prices are crazy...Those are insane prices. Thankful I bought from the school farm when I did.