Mountain Sage
When you shower, stopper the tub, let your feet soak while you shower. After the skin is nice and soft you can use a good sugar or salt scrub and pat dry or use the ol' Bag Balm treatment and socks over night. It really helps to soften the skin with the soaking first so the emollients can sink in.
Epsom salts work wonders as well!
Making your own lovely smelling, wonderfully softening sugar scrubs:
This will make a very large batch, as I make this to sell.
2 c. epsom salts
3 c. refined white sugar or even brown sugar(this will not need coloring) or sea salt
Essential oil of your favorite scent
Food coloring~or not, your choice
Olive oil, added until texture is correct
Mix salts and sugars in a large bowl, add EO a little at a time, scrunching it in by hand until it is evenly distributed throughout the dry mix. If you are adding coloring, add one or two drops at a time and mix like you did with the EO, until evenly distributed and you reach the color you wanted.
Add olive oil a little at a time, mixing with a wooden spoon. Mix completely before adding more each time. When your mix starts to resemble a sno-cone mix, with the darker color on bottom, lighter color on top, you've reached the desired consistency. Any dryer and it will be too crumbley to apply, any wetter and its just oily and goopey. You will get the hang of this with practice.
Place in plastic, wide mouth container and cover with tight lid. If you have made a salt scrub, make sure you don't get any extra water in it and you seal it up each time, as the top will harden. This will not happen with the sugar scrubs.
Shower as usual, then scoop some sugar scrub into your hands and massage gently over skin, especially roughened areas. Rinse completely and pat dry only, do not rub. May make tub slippery, so use caution when getting out of the tub.
Now you have one of my secret recipes....use it well!
I warn you, this stuff is addictive.....and men love it! They will use it all if you are not careful.
*warning: anyone with fungal infections on their skin would be advised to make a salt scrub instead of sugar, as the sugar will actually feed your fungus! *
Epsom salts work wonders as well!
Making your own lovely smelling, wonderfully softening sugar scrubs:
This will make a very large batch, as I make this to sell.
2 c. epsom salts
3 c. refined white sugar or even brown sugar(this will not need coloring) or sea salt
Essential oil of your favorite scent
Food coloring~or not, your choice
Olive oil, added until texture is correct
Mix salts and sugars in a large bowl, add EO a little at a time, scrunching it in by hand until it is evenly distributed throughout the dry mix. If you are adding coloring, add one or two drops at a time and mix like you did with the EO, until evenly distributed and you reach the color you wanted.
Add olive oil a little at a time, mixing with a wooden spoon. Mix completely before adding more each time. When your mix starts to resemble a sno-cone mix, with the darker color on bottom, lighter color on top, you've reached the desired consistency. Any dryer and it will be too crumbley to apply, any wetter and its just oily and goopey. You will get the hang of this with practice.
Place in plastic, wide mouth container and cover with tight lid. If you have made a salt scrub, make sure you don't get any extra water in it and you seal it up each time, as the top will harden. This will not happen with the sugar scrubs.
Shower as usual, then scoop some sugar scrub into your hands and massage gently over skin, especially roughened areas. Rinse completely and pat dry only, do not rub. May make tub slippery, so use caution when getting out of the tub.
Now you have one of my secret recipes....use it well!
*warning: anyone with fungal infections on their skin would be advised to make a salt scrub instead of sugar, as the sugar will actually feed your fungus! *