CreativeTwinsZoo's journal of self sufficancy


Super Self-Sufficient
Oct 13, 2014
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That was a pretty good read! I dont know how old the plant Is entirely, i know at least 5ish months that I've seen it around (before it wound up in the trash :( ) and am quite intrigued it only blooms at night! That will make for a quite interesting experience if I ever see flowers on it~

Lazy Gardener

Super Self-Sufficient
May 14, 2017
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Central Maine, Zone 4B
I think that one of the first things I'd do if I had that plant: harvest and root one of the healthy segments. That way, if the mother plant kicks the bucket, you will have a young, healthy replacement for it. Check carefully to be sure there is not some sort of insect or fungal infestation in the base of the plant. Of course, I don't have a clue what I'm talking about, b/c I've never seen one in my life!!!

One of the sites that I read last night says that the plants seem to grow and thrive/bloom best when they have ants present. One guy had his potted plant growing on a tall tree stump. There was actually an ant colony nesting in the base of the pot. The ends of the segments had a lot of fruit in varying stages of development, so his plant was obviously happy. It kind of makes sense: the ants would keep the soil aerated, and they would be providing constant low doses of fertilizer: insect frass as well as the protein bits they are constantly carrying to the nest.


Super Self-Sufficient
Oct 13, 2014
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I think that one of the first things I'd do if I had that plant: harvest and root one of the healthy segments. That way, if the mother plant kicks the bucket, you will have a young, healthy replacement for it. Check carefully to be sure there is not some sort of insect or fungal infestation in the base of the plant. Of course, I don't have a clue what I'm talking about, b/c I've never seen one in my life!!!

One of the sites that I read last night says that the plants seem to grow and thrive/bloom best when they have ants present. One guy had his potted plant growing on a tall tree stump. There was actually an ant colony nesting in the base of the pot. The ends of the segments had a lot of fruit in varying stages of development, so his plant was obviously happy. It kind of makes sense: the ants would keep the soil aerated, and they would be providing constant low doses of fertilizer: insect frass as well as the protein bits they are constantly carrying to the nest.

When I pulled it out of the original pot the roots were packed pretty hard, so I'm startin to think that might be what the issue is possibly (still pretty new to all sorts of growing)
I snipped off a few lil bits and gonna try to get new cuttings going cause of the questionable status of the plant


Super Self-Sufficient
Oct 13, 2014
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20190826_094744.jpg Figured I should do an update of some plants lol, these are just a few of the ones from upfront, freshly watered. Dont mind the unmowed lawn at the end the neighbour doesn't/won't move his cars so I'm not mowing till he does. (This is the rental house involved with the chicken n duck incident as well as he tried to have fake turf put down in our lawn after we told him no several times)

20190826_094751.jpg my lil flower patch, a moringa and a canna plant.

20190826_094829.jpg the dragon fruit again, still not moved to the Permanente spot lol
20190826_094819.jpg my lil pomegranate, this buddy has blown up in size, hoping next year maybe some lil fruits. Then I'll know if its ornamental or not (not really sure what the diff is beside fruit size)
20190826_094849.jpg and a pepper plant that was also rescued from the trash :) haven't seen fruit since the 100+ degrees started but it gets hot little multi color peppers on it, the parent Bush I saved peppers from and made pepper oil and vinegar. Both were favorites of the last few holiday years!

Got some weed eating done in the backyard, having a little cool down before I start to hopefully get around to the uppotting my backyard trees and starting of seeds for the fall/winter grow season
Hope everyone's doing good, keeping hydrated and is finding happiness today :)


Super Self-Sufficient
Oct 13, 2014
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We finally got to putting the waterline in!!! This is the deep deep bed currently, gonna likely fill in some more dirt/compost if we can

Our other raised beds~ not so deep, but most of what we'll be growing isnt too deeply rooted, had a funky dust and wind storm last night, so unfortunately it's a tad messy in the area and still waiting to toss a bunch of junk :/ next project for us is a few more deeper beds, starting our seeds, uppotting the lemon tree I got as a gift from sis today ♡ as well as the mulberry, one of the figs and a few others. And then the new chicken scoop and hopefully some shade cloth.
Was a pretty busy weekend, did work on the garden, some home renovation with the date-mate some cleaning up, I even got my hands on the sewing machine, some spinning and even a little bit of cross stitch/embroidery.
I hope everyone's doing good and had a great weekend!

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