CreativeTwinsZoo's journal of self sufficancy

Lazy Gardener

Super Self-Sufficient
May 14, 2017
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Central Maine, Zone 4B
It has been a very busy last few days, still not done entirely yet with the layout but finally seeing progress on the front garden!!! :woot I wanted to wait and show off the 'finished' result but just cant contain my excitement!

Wonderful progress. what are you using between the landscape fabric paths? Looks light and fluffy. Will you work it in, or plant as is?

I see "neighbors -- so I assume you are in a development setting Have you had any push back from a front yard garden? Or crop losses? At least it's close to tend and pick. :D

Years ago, I lived in a condo and rented a small garden area nearby. One where you got a plot for the season, and others surrounded you. Well, it was pre tilled and a great place. Did that for several years and then, one year, we had a rascally thief. Several of us kept watch. Never found "who". Now, I share but, when you cut ALL my collards before Tksgivng?? Not happy. None of us were. LOL

Now, that's just plain cruel, despicable, nasty, lazy and mean. I would be livid if someone did that to my hard earned garden.


Super Self-Sufficient
Oct 13, 2014
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I see "neighbors -- so I assume you are in a development setting Have you had any push back from a front yard garden? Or crop losses? At least it's close to tend and pick. :D

Years ago, I lived in a condo and rented a small garden area nearby. One where you got a plot for the season, and others surrounded you. Well, it was pre tilled and a great place. Did that for several years and then, one year, we had a rascally thief. Several of us kept watch. Never found "who". Now, I share but, when you cut ALL my collards before Tksgivng?? Not happy. None of us were. LOL

This is our first year being able to do the front garden so we're not really sure how well it'll go towards losses be they crop/weather induced or via the 2 legged kind lol. When we very first moved in there was a hibiscus Bush the neighbourhood kids kept it picked clean of flowers sadly. Given that we are in the process of fencing off the area to make it at least inconvenient to pick off stuff.
As to push back, so far none and all the neighbours who have asked what we're up to have said 'looks like a lot of work" :lol:
Oh man I know its gonna happen eventually and I'm sure i know which neighbour(s) who are given off the vibe to do it but man, that's shady and sh*tty taken someone else's hard work! At least ask and proffer to either help them weed/work the garden or pay/trade with the gardner for their effort!


Super Self-Sufficient
Oct 13, 2014
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Wonderful progress. what are you using between the landscape fabric paths? Looks light and fluffy. Will you work it in, or plant as is?
Its deoderized, composted steer manure. I was hoping to get a lil rain to push it down a bit but haven't had a cloud in sight since we started laying it out. (We put a thickish layer of newspaper to act as a weed suppresent and then top with the manure) but likely gonna plant as is as the soils a little too compacted and I dont really want to risk hitting any of the pipes I know that run underground (water and possibly gas). So sort of a no till method.

Now, that's just plain cruel, despicable, nasty, lazy and mean. I would be livid if someone did that to my hard earned garden.
At the college my first semester as a workstudy they had a community garden, you pay so much for the plot and keep it clean and use your own tools (including waterlines, they provided water) you had a plot for a year. Unfortunately it was the same area as the schools "farm" plot for the crop production class. Several of the community garden people got caught several times stealing from the student garden and not just for personal consumption. Needless to say theres no more community garden anymore :(


Super Self-Sufficient
Oct 13, 2014
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Hey all, with all the bad going on I wanted to share some good~

Our garden bv has produced~

A cabbage! Theres another lil one, but we're waiting to pick it as of yet.

As well, the corn starts I bought at the school sale are adjusting well!

And weve finally got

A broccoli!

We planted a bunch of bean seeds today and set up a trellis down the seed line. Also got some squash seeds planted.
The tomatoes are starting to get get flowers as are some of the cucumbers~
With luck we'll be eating quite a bit of fresh veggies during the shutdowns. So long as no on takes them that is.

Hope you are all doing well and are healthy, be safe out there! Anyone else have any good news?


Super Self-Sufficient
Oct 13, 2014
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my carrots haven't even sprouted yet.
kinda jealous

Booooo, hopefully they will sprout soon!
I've got to find my seeds, n sow some more and order some more while I can. These have been working on growing since probably i wanna say November? They woulda been done a lot sooner if it hadnt kept getting below 40 at night throughout December and January. Now so long as it dont get over 100 to much over the summer they'll do fine again hopefully


Super Self-Sufficient
Oct 13, 2014
Reaction score
Hey all~
How your all doing as well as you can be in these troubled times.

Was up early today to stand in line for 2 1/2 hours on the hope I'd find tp for a supply run to my fmil. It was worth it as there was! First time I've seen tp in a store in almost a month now!!!

More good news~~

My beans are finally growing!! Yaaass, cant wait for some awesome fresh beans 🧡


The corns going, but hasnt gotten much bigger yet, unsure why tho. Got some peppers planted and Got some flowers on my cucumbers and 1 squash flower! :D
A few tiny tomatoes too, I'm so excited!

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