Dark Circles Under Eyes


City Biddy
Aug 6, 2008
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Missouri USA
cabinchick said:
Have you ever noticed all the cosmetic ads for "curing" dark circles under the eyes?
I have noticed them. Of course most of the women that they are aimed at are more interested in living "high" and large and more worried about how skinny they are than they are proper nutrition. In my opinion it is the old problem once again. If you tell people to lose weight by eating more fresh vegetables, fresh fruits, high quality proteins, drinking lots of fresh water and lots of good exercise - mostly they look for a new "diet" drink or better faster pill. :/

I hope that your circles are just natural for you. I truly hope that all of the testing comes back negative. I wouldn't wish the restrictions that I live with on anybody ... unless it would result in better health in the long run.

We are ALL very different people. What is normal for one may be an indicator for another. :)


Super Self-Sufficient
Jul 21, 2008
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Dark Circles Natural Cure at Home
Home remedies for dark circles are considered to be the best healing method. It is natural way of curbing the dark blemishes under the eye which will not cause any harm to the skin.

1) Application of a thin sliced cucumber on top of each eye for 15 to 20 minutes, twice a day, relieves stress and cools down the eyes.
2) A mixture of almond oil and honey should be applied on the affected area every night before bedtime. You will see a remarkable improvement in two to three weeks.
3) Consume at least two to three liters of water on a daily basis. Water is a very essential remedy in this case and it flushes out the toxins present in the body.
4) Tea bags are known to be very effective in curing dark circles. A cold tea bag should be put on top of each eye for 10 to 15 minutes everyday.
5) Make a paste of fresh mint leaves and add a few drops of lime juice in it. Apply the mixture on the eyes and the dark circles for 10 to 15 minutes everyday and see the difference in two to three weeks.
6) Rose water is considered to be a natural coolant for the body and has been an old home remedy for generations. Apply two to three drops of rose water on a cotton ball and gently massage on the affected area of the eye for five to six minutes. You will see the result in two to three weeks. This method is considered to be one of the most effective cures for dark circles.

The dark circles treatment should be started as soon as possible to avoid it from increasing.


Ageing is the main factor for the development of dark circles. As you age, the skin becomes dry and the dark circles become very prominent.

Stress is also considered to be another common cause of dark circles. Dark circles are developed due to stress which includes excessive workload, family problems, money problems and many more. Stress has become quite common also among the youth which in turn cause dark blemishes under their eyes.

Lack of proper sleep
People who do not get their share of 8 hours of sleep on a daily basis will develop dark under eye circles.

Sometimes, there may be an excessive loss of water from the body, which could make your skin dry and weak.

Nutrient Deficiency
Dark circles can also be formed due to lack of healthy diet. It is very important to consume a meal that is rich in proteins, vitamins and minerals that are extremely essential for the bodys development. These nutrients should be consumed on a daily basis to avoid any kind of health related problems.


hope some of that helps


Made in Alaska
Mar 25, 2010
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cabinchick said:
me&thegals said:
My daughter has had dark puffy eyes since birth. She's extremely healthy. Just ran 2 miles in 16 min, and she's only 9!

I also have dark circles and puffy eyes, but I believe mine are more related to lack of sleep. They get better in summer due to a tan.

ETA: The docs where I work call dark puffy eyes "allergic shiners," as they can be caused by environmental allergies. My daughter's doc keeps suspecting her of having allergies due to her eye appearance, but she has no signs or symptoms, which would be drainage down the back of her throat, irritation in her nasal passages, constant drippy nose, watery/itchy eyes.
That's me :D although I've reduced my sodium content and the puffiness has disappeared except for when I have PMS. I do not have Celiac's disease, have already been tested. I so appreciate all of your comments, but is it completely out of the question that I was just born this way? I am lilly white, not of hispanic or arabic descent. Why is it so difficult for our society to beleive that maybe not being physically "normal" means there must be something wrong with us? I know I'm now the only one out there, I have had friends with the same "problem" :idunno

My MDs, all my life, have been testing me regularly for any nutritional deficiencies. Everything has come back negative time after time. I feel fine. I will get tested for dairy and gluten allergies, but I just have this gut feeling that they will show no negative results. Have you ever noticed all the cosmetic ads for "curing" dark circles under the eyes?
Just so you know, Celiacs (gluten allergy) has at least a 50% false negative rate when tested.
It is entirely possible that you are naturally going to have dark circles, but, the foolproof way to know for sure on the gluten and dairy front is to eliminate one for a month or so, and then try a little bit to see what happens. Then do the other.
Costs a great deal less then the tests too ;)

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