Lovin' The Homestead
I do think that dark circles are completely natural for some people and not a sign of any kind of medical problem...

In most cases, the dark circles under the eyes are blood vessels that can be seen through the skin. The skin around the eyelids (periorbital skin) is the thinnest skin in the body (around 0.5 mm thick compared with 2 mm in other areas). Like varicose veins, dark circles under the eyes are usually an inherited trait[citation needed]. When blood passes through the large veins close to the surface of the skin, it can produce a bluish tint. The more transparent the skinalso an inherited traitthe darker the circles appear. In people with a deep-set bone structure, shadowing can also contribute to the dark color under the eyes.
But, of course it never hurts to try eating healthier.Though dietary habits and other factors can cause dark circles, it can also be a hereditary condition or the result of hyperpigmentation. Hyperpigmentation occurs when patches of skin become darker because your body is producing excessive amounts of melanin, the naturally occurring substance that colors skin. This is especially prevalent in dark-skinned people and those of Middle Eastern, Hispanic and East Indian descent.
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