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- #661
Almost Self-Reliant
Thanks Deb! 
I love the Petersons Guides as they are pretty much Dawn-proof!
Made Cheyenne's afternoon and pulled the plants out of the kids swimming pool, got it cleaned up and set up for her. She had a blast and wore herself out! Thankfully!
She is coming into her own and definately playing doc and I off one another right now. He's onboard with what I'm doing with her so we are maybe half a step ahead of her...maybe! 
Finished sawdust mulching one of the garden walkways today and will sow a few cuke and broccoli seeds in the bed in a couple of days. Will cover the seeded spots with soda bottle tops to act as mini greenhouses mainly to keep the grasshoppers off of them.
Lost the baby figs (
) not sure if it was due to bugs, critters or just the heat. Everything (bugs/critters) is on the hunt for anything with any moisture content right now and anything and everything growing/fruiting is fair game. 
The chicks are getting big and I suspect I have atleast one cockeral, as of today. I really need to get of my rear and finish getting the Chick-n-Barn back from the jungle so I can get them moved. The upside to the heat and drought is that the jungle is succumbing to the conditions and it will make my job a bit easier. Been busy with Cheyenne these past two weeks and everything else has pretty much taken a back seat. Is it terrible of me to blame it on the new pup?
Cheyenne is having a blast going to moms and hanging out with the big dogs, aka Smiley and Flower. Time for some cuteness pix.
Cheyenne and Smiley:
Flower and Cheyenne:
One happy puppy:

I love the Petersons Guides as they are pretty much Dawn-proof!

Made Cheyenne's afternoon and pulled the plants out of the kids swimming pool, got it cleaned up and set up for her. She had a blast and wore herself out! Thankfully!

Finished sawdust mulching one of the garden walkways today and will sow a few cuke and broccoli seeds in the bed in a couple of days. Will cover the seeded spots with soda bottle tops to act as mini greenhouses mainly to keep the grasshoppers off of them.

Lost the baby figs (

The chicks are getting big and I suspect I have atleast one cockeral, as of today. I really need to get of my rear and finish getting the Chick-n-Barn back from the jungle so I can get them moved. The upside to the heat and drought is that the jungle is succumbing to the conditions and it will make my job a bit easier. Been busy with Cheyenne these past two weeks and everything else has pretty much taken a back seat. Is it terrible of me to blame it on the new pup?

Cheyenne is having a blast going to moms and hanging out with the big dogs, aka Smiley and Flower. Time for some cuteness pix.
Cheyenne and Smiley:

Flower and Cheyenne:

One happy puppy: