Daydreaming while waiting impatiently!


Sustainability Master
Nov 13, 2010
Reaction score
East Texas
I would not waste the meat. If nothing else, cut him up and partially cook by boiling enough to shrink the meat. Cook up a big pot of rice and can ram chunks and rice for the dogs. I can all the offal for the dogs and they love it. Their favorite is chicken backs, necks, livers and gizzards. But they also get lamb and hog livers and hearts. Your dogs would love your home made dog food. Think of the money you would save by using something that you already have. Mix in the liver, heart and kidneys. I have even put vegetables in the dog food before-whatever was in the garden at the time. If nothing else, you could buy some carrots and add them to the dog food. My husband is the gourmet dog food man, and he mixes my canned dog food with the kibble, adds a little milk, and for Paris, he shreds up a slice of bread to the mix. They clean their bowls.


Wild Hare
Nov 8, 2009
Reaction score
USDA Zone 3b/4a
We're getting ready to take lambs to auction. (well, actually to lamb pool, the people who finish them for auction). I've gone through records, made a breeding plan and a list to sell. Trying to improve the flock without growing it. Being very selective for mothering and temperament.

We moved lambs for fence-line weaning. They're practically have been weaned for a long time, so this was a low-stress change. Except one of the lambs on my keeper list. She jumped over a gate, and later, when all the other lambs were calmly and happily grazing, she was pacing, bleating and trying to get back through the fence to momma. o_O Have fun at the auction, little lamb. I've had enough crazy sheep around here. I'd rather have a few tame pasture pets than have a productive barn full of crazy sheep. and by crazy, I pretty much mean normal. Temperament for handling is #1! Calm ewes make better mommas too!

DH had a CE class in my hometown, so we carpooled. I visited two friends and went to all the thrift stores and Joann. My kids were terrible! DS3 and I had barely slept and DS11 wasn't handling it well and kept getting all up in DS3's business and causing tantrum, after tantrum, after tantrum. OMG, everything took so much longer because I couldn't focus!

Despite all that, I scored big on thrift shopping. Clothes for DS11. I've learned to shop in the men's section. Men's XS and sometimes S fit good-enough, and the styles aren't ridiculously-stupid. DS11 strongly prefers men's clothing styles to boys and he wants to learn how to sew/alter garments, so this works. Also found 15 skeins of lovely vintage 100% wool yarn - and the colors have come back in style, LOL - for $18. I pay $18 for a single hank of new wool yarn!! and these skeins were twice as big as a hank! so, like $500 worth of yarn. :ep Also found 2 100% wool sweaters to deconstruct into yarn for knitting socks for myself. I can afford my knitting habit at these prices! :love I have plenty to work on for months now. I'm very pleased.

At Joann, I bought patterns for fleece slipper socks and fleece hats. The hats will be a project for DS11. The slipper socks are something I've been wanting to make and needing to have. I also bought fleece to make fitted sheets for DS3's toddler mattress. These cost a whole lot more than I planned to spend. I'm consoling myself that the fabric was 50% off on a twice-annual sale. If I'm careful, I might be able to get some xmas presents made out of the fabric I bought. I'd consider gifting these made with new fabric, and buy fleece blankets at thrift stores to make slipper socks for myself. :hu

Mini Horses

Sustainability Master
Sep 2, 2015
Reaction score
coastal VA
Good score! Often that's a great place for those "specialty" items of yarn, patterns, etc. Not the fastest sell for them so priced right. I have a habit of walking a couple local thrifts "just in case". Have gotten some good things.


Wild Hare
Nov 8, 2009
Reaction score
USDA Zone 3b/4a
Not much to say that doesn't come off like a broken record or whining. Been dealing with a symptom flare. Looking for a new doctor who might know what to do with me. Found a doctor, waiting to get an appointment. My sleep is all messed, up, been very low functioning. Like a couple days where I couldn't sit up, those were awesome. :confused: Things are looking up a bit, but still rough and my sleep is all messed up. That's about all for me.

DH winterized vehicles and has been putting up wood. He bought some pre-cut firewood from a neighbor. We didn't really need it, but it was the same price we've been paying for logs. DH was a bit behind in splitting, so it's a relief for him.

I finally took Bay in for a harness fitting and bought a new one that actually fits. Pains me to buy another - and it wasn't cheap - but with the harness problem solved, we're back to training again. I really need to get her trained for going in public. Will make my life easier. I took her to a pet-friendly farm store. Had trouble waiting in line at the cashier and she helped me out - helped me get down and keep my balance. It was awesome to have an alternate to using my wheelchair.


Rest in Peace 1980-2020
Aug 17, 2013
Reaction score
:hugs I hope you'll get feeling better soon!


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
Reaction score
So sorry you're having a rough time right now... :hugsBut glad Bay is working out and was able to help you in the store. I hope she continues to be a big help for you!!