Daydreaming while waiting impatiently!


Wild Hare
Nov 8, 2009
Reaction score
USDA Zone 3b/4a
Apologies for a cryptic post, but I'm sworn to secrecy. Someone I know is going through something really heavy. I'm doing my best to be available and supportive, but it's weighing me down. The situation is temporary, so I'm just doing my best to get through. All one can do, really. I may have broken down on the diet and stuffed myself with fast food and chocolate. After forgetting two doses of medication, not great timing. Oh well. Chocolate. You understand. :)

I spent the day cleaning the upstairs of my house. It was a disaster. DS11 likes to make constructions from duct-tape and cardboard. In DS3's room. Now DS3 thinks the removing his closet rod is just the thing to do. :/ Took 8 hours of continuous cleaning, but it's good enough up there. Swept and vacuumed.

Also caught up on most of grading DS11's homework. D's and F's. Uggh, makes me sick. This is his 4th time through Algebra 1, he knows the concepts but can't or won't do the homework (hence, can't pass an Algebra 1 final exam, hence repeating Algebra 1 again, and again, and again). He has like 27% average for this semester, so far. Most of the problems wrong are skipped because he didn't want to do them. Some sections are lost because he folded them into paper airplanes or origami and threw them away. He objects to problem #29 and skips it on 3/4 of the assignments. The rest are mostly wrong because he's too busy drawing weapons or whales in the margins and loses track of a negative. Well, I suppose if he flunks Algebra 1, he'll take it again next year. To make this more sickening, he's already done Algebra 2, what, now 2 years ago? I wish I could say it was just math, but DS11's dedication to failure extends to every area of his life. :(

There's too much stuff in my life. Physically, metaphorically. I just want it gone. Seems like the more functioning I gain, the more times per day I clean up the same crap. I'm drowning in picking up kid toys and dirty laundry. :'( I'm semi- minimalist, but ready to snap and go full out crazy throwing everything away. I need to get the situation under control. The happier I am, the less money I spend and the sooner we can pay off this house and DH could retire. Hopefully in the next 15 years... :/ or much less?

Variable expenses for the month is a bust. I hope my purchases will wash out when averaged over the next few months. But, in better news, we're switching phone plans. I'm trying a $10/month Red Pocket plan. DH put his phone on a smaller plan. If Red Pocket works well for me, he will try it too. If he does, we'll save total $115 per month on phone and internet compared to last year. I sure hope he can use Red Pocket service! I want to pay extra $115/month on the mortgage.


Rest in Peace 1980-2020
Aug 17, 2013
Reaction score
:hugs That must be so frustrating for you with DS not wanting to work with you, I cannot imagine. Have a bit of chocolate and everything else you feel like. Sometimes comforts are needed!

That new phone plan sounds amazing and I hope it will work out well for you guys! That would be a massive saving..


Super Self-Sufficient
Sep 29, 2014
Reaction score
:hugs:hugs x2 on the Chocolate.
sometimes is seems you just gotta.

Sorry to hear about the DS11's issues with school. It has got to be so frustrating knowing that he can do it, but he just doesn't want to.

My nephew is the same way. 26 years old and living in the basement at his parents house. Works temp employment just long enough to pay for his internet and the little bit of rent Mom is making him pay. I know my sister is frustrated! :smack She doesn't get any support from her husband in trying to make the kid grow up and take responsibility for his life.


Wild Hare
Nov 8, 2009
Reaction score
USDA Zone 3b/4a
My brother in law died this past Monday morning. DH, kids and I flew out to CO. DH did a lot of child care and I did a lot of housekeeping with/for my sister. They had just moved the week before BIL got sick and hadn't unpacked. The last day of cleaning, we found two boxes BIL had packed with dirty dishes! LOL! My sister has all the resources she needs and will be okay.

We arrived home to 2-foot-tall snow drifts blocking our driveway. DH tried to get through and got our car stuck... at 2:45 a.m. :D

But, mostly good news. I started a yoga class today and am loving it. I'm starting to notice improvement from physical therapy, so that's great! I'm not feeling as good as before our funeral-vacation, but assuming and hoping that returning to my new-normal eating will solve that discomfort.

I still have not planted those onion seeds. :eek: a month late now.


Rest in Peace 1980-2020
Aug 17, 2013
Reaction score
Sorry to hear about your BIL's passing :hugs Wonderful to hear you are seeing improvements and feeling better! I hope the yoga will help too, in the long run. I love how, in spite of your challenges, you're always positive, or trying your best to be, looking at the glass as half full and being so happy about every small step you can take. You're an inspiration... Just wanted to say that...


Super Self-Sufficient
Sep 29, 2014
Reaction score
X2 sorry to hear about the B-I-L, glad your sis will be OK in spite of that.
So glad that you are feeling better. I really enjoy reading your thread, you inspire me to be better.
Take care with the next couple rounds of snow. This too shall pass!


Wild Hare
Nov 8, 2009
Reaction score
USDA Zone 3b/4a
So sorry to hear of your BIL passing. I'm guessing it was not expected.
It was not. He had a bad cold, not fully recovered from that he got influenza. He was a veteran and already had lung damage from war injuries. He developed pneumonia and sepsis. He was in ICU about 3 weeks, his lungs cleared and they were talking about reducing his sedation and moving him into post-acute care, but then his kidneys failed and he started showing signs of brain damage - no longer having physiologic responses to people talking. And he was dead in a day. :'(

Sorry to hear about the DS11's issues with school. It has got to be so frustrating knowing that he can do it, but he just doesn't want to.

My nephew is the same way. 26 years old and living in the basement at his parents house. Works temp employment just long enough to pay for his internet and the little bit of rent Mom is making him pay. I know my sister is frustrated! :smack She doesn't get any support from her husband in trying to make the kid grow up and take responsibility for his life.

DH was looking at my screen and saw your comment. He's like "oh no, that's what we have to look forward to?!" :confused::D LOL. I appreciate your commiserating, makes me feel less alone.