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- #1,661
Wild Hare
I handled it last night and had it out in it's playpen. DS4 fell asleep early, so he missed it. Hamster was hiding/sleeping this morning so no playtime. DS4 is doing very well today with not pestering. He seems to understand what nocturnal means.
I fell off my eating plan at a holiday party last weekend. Gained 4.6# - and 1/2"on my ankle. Edema, not fat! Discovered I don't tolerate potatoes well. And about a week before I discovered I don't tolerate tomatoes well. Huh. Now I need to go back and repeat my elimination diet because I didn't eliminate nightshades. Eating nightshades during FODMAP elimination/challenge may have messed up my results. I might be able to eat more foods and more carbs than I had thought.
I am slowly getting back on my routines, and at the same time getting mentally ready to level up my habits/routines with New Years resolutions. I'm making slow progress. Some of the slowness is because a cold has been interfering with sleep. I think I'm over the worst of it now. Congestion has given way to a cough (and bit of a wheeze
The best part of a sore throat is I get Diet Coke to erode the mucus in my throat! LOL! I am happy I didn't have a skin reaction to it this time (from the orange oil in it)
As I type this, DS4 announce that he wants to paint a rock. He disappeared into another room and came back with newspaper which he has spread on the table. Then he announced "I have my clothes off!" (Naked painting is easier than a smock) and asked me to reach the paint for him.
I fell off my eating plan at a holiday party last weekend. Gained 4.6# - and 1/2"on my ankle. Edema, not fat! Discovered I don't tolerate potatoes well. And about a week before I discovered I don't tolerate tomatoes well. Huh. Now I need to go back and repeat my elimination diet because I didn't eliminate nightshades. Eating nightshades during FODMAP elimination/challenge may have messed up my results. I might be able to eat more foods and more carbs than I had thought.
I am slowly getting back on my routines, and at the same time getting mentally ready to level up my habits/routines with New Years resolutions. I'm making slow progress. Some of the slowness is because a cold has been interfering with sleep. I think I'm over the worst of it now. Congestion has given way to a cough (and bit of a wheeze
The best part of a sore throat is I get Diet Coke to erode the mucus in my throat! LOL! I am happy I didn't have a skin reaction to it this time (from the orange oil in it)
As I type this, DS4 announce that he wants to paint a rock. He disappeared into another room and came back with newspaper which he has spread on the table. Then he announced "I have my clothes off!" (Naked painting is easier than a smock) and asked me to reach the paint for him.